meeting (ymir's pov)

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i awoke to the soft buzz of my iphone alarm vibrating against the wooden floor. 6:03 am. "time to get up" i thought; i looked around the bare room i called my dorm, there was a strange sort of calm in the air. pulling my short, brown hair back into something that somewhat resembled a ponytail ( i had never been very good at the whole hair thing) i stretched and yawned and made my way to the small en suite, glancing at the calendar on my way past. 2nd of September- the start of the new term.

i didn't really mind college. i thought i would hate it, but it was a lot more relaxed than high school. and there was always the annual pro of the naïve, thirsty freshman girls practically asking to be "shown around campus" if you know what i mean.

i sound like a fucking predator. i swear i'm not.

walking out onto the corridor lined with identical doors, i saw emerging out of the one a few away
from me Reiner, bed headed and still half asleep. i walked over to him and we greeted each other, going down the short flight of stairs to the corridor below. "Reiner" i said
"whadisit" his voice was deep and sleepy
"what's with the bead head?"
"eh?" he self consciously ran a hand through the blond mess and blushed "shit. it's not that bad, is it?"
"ymir! cmon.." part of me felt bad. i crushed that part of me and carried on.  "hey man"
"what now?" i was enjoying how annoyed he was sounding. i raised a hand "i like ya cut g" i brought it back down hard on the back of his head "FUCKING CHRIST,  YMIR THAT HURT" i laughed happily.

we were approaching the school building now, i was  enjoying myself, checking out the freshmen, when Reiner spotted a familiar brown- haired head, bobbing up and down happily about a head taller than everyone else. "BERTHOLD" he called out, oblivious of the startled new students "AY MAN BERTOTO" apparently he was loud enough to be heard above the bustling crowd, as the brown- haired head turned to reveal a smiling, freckled face, now going against the stream of students to walk with us. "hi Ymir!"
"what's good, freckled jesus" he laughed at this, then turned to face the shorter blond man "hey Reiner!"
"hey do you have so much energy?" Berthold smiled angelically in reply. we walked for a few more metres before i remembered something "oh shit that's right" i said. the pair turned to face me "what?" asked Reiner
"we get our new dorm mates today, don't we"
"oh yeah"
"you're right" said freckled jesus, beaming at the idea.  "damn i hope i get a freshman" i said
"there you go again, you pervert" said Reiner with a disapproving look "hey! what's wrong with it? they're all cute as fuck"
"yeah yeah, whatever you say, Hisoka" i scowled at him "all i'm saying is they're innocent"
"clueless" Reiner corrected. i was about to make a comeback when he started walking the other way "my first class is this way, bye shit head!"
"you're one to talk!" i shouted back. i saw his receding figure run a hand through his hair once more before he was out of sight.

me and Berthold walked some more into the school building before he split off down a corridor "bye, Ymir!"
"later" i carried on down the main corridor towards the stairs when a black-haired girl wearing silver, heart-shaped earrings ran head-first into my breast. "damn. coming on a bit strong there, but i guess you're cute" the girl looked up at me, startled. she had pale skin and lightly blushed cheeks, her lips looked plump and soft, they were a pale pink on the outside, getting darker towards the middle. she actually was very pretty. "i'm sorry!" she squeaked
"don't worry about it. freshman?" i asked
"um yes"
"yeah. you're going the wrong way"
"all the classes for freshmen are that way" i pointed a long finger in the opposite direction to which she was facing.  "oh,, thanks!"
"no problem, what's your name?"
"Kishimoto Mei" she said, bowing slightly
"well, Mei Chan~" she blushed "want me to walk you to class?" she giggled and tugged on my arm
"yes please!" i smirked to myself, they never changed. "by the way" she said, pouting at me "what's your name?"

hi sorry if the first chapter's short but i felt like this would be a good place to finish- also ik it's kind of cliche rn but it will get better i promise 😀
k bye

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