the girl with the freckled face (Y/N's pov)

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i lay in bed thinking about the night before. it was all a bit of a blur to be honest; i remember feeling really anxious, then really excited, then really scared, but there was a feeling mixed in with all that that i wasn't quite sure how to describe.. anyways, i thought, i should probably go check on her..Ymir. i pictured her face, it was a pretty one. hazel eyes and dark, flowing hair that met her shoulders. freckles that weren't too obvious, but not too subtle either. wait a minute, what was i doing? i needed to get up. sighing, i went into the small bathroom and washed my face and brushed my teeth. i glanced over my shoulder back into where she was sleeping once or twice, but she seemed almost dead. i walked over to her and lightly touched her shoulder "hey..Ymir" i jumped back as she started to stir "huh..?" god she was hot..wait what? "what time is it..?" her soft voice pulled me out of my thoughts and back to reality "um it's ten past six..i'm sorry i just woke you because of" my voice trailed off and i could feel myself starting to blush. i turned away to get her some water. "hey ar-are you okay? i mean you were pretty.." i searched for the right words
"oh shit i forgot about that" Ymir's voice came from behind "listen man, i'm really sorry"
"no-i-um-its fine.." i handed her the glass.
"oh, thanks" she looked at my face while taking a drink. i could feel my heart beating faster and faster. "oh crap, we'll be late" said Ymir, handing the empty glass back to me. i'll go get ready.


I could feel a small hand tapping my shoulder. "Ymir.." oh that's right. it was my new roommate, what was her name again? oh god i'm such a bad person.. the soft voice came again, this time slightly louder. "huh..?" i questioned dumbly, sitting up to see her jump back about a mile. i think i might have scared her. "what time is it..?" my voice sounded tight and my throat hurt..but why? her answer came and i realised that i'd almost overslept..seriously, what the hell happened last night? "hey ar-are you okay? i mean you were pretty.." her voice again found me. shit. i remembered now. oh god, the first thing that my new roommate saw was me and Reiner high as fuck, doing i don't even want to remember what.
it didn't help that she was cute either.
i should apologise: "listen man, i'm really sorry" she stuttered out that it was okay and brushed off my apology, turning back around to hand me a glass of water. "oh, thanks" i allowed myself to look at her small face as i drank. she had really dark hair that was cut short- it looked fucking soft- and a small nose. her eyes were big and a shade of very dark blue, almost black. on a second look she really was small,, almost a foot shorter than me.. shit! what was i doing? we were going to be late.

during the short walk from the dorms to the school, she'd been really quiet. i noticed that when a group of freshmen girls walked past, giggling and batting their eyelids, she almost went to hide behind me.. i didn't really mind though.. once we were inside school, i planned on walking her to her first class, but as soon as i started to ask, she looked at the floor, said goodbye and hurried off. "huh" i said to myself. oh well.. more time to admire the others. but still, something bothered me about her and i couldn't tell what..

walking back to our dorm, i looked at her some more. it was strange, i'd dated loads of girls and i'd never met anyone like her,,maybe i was just overthinking it. she really was cute though. wait what? maybe i should try to talk to her, get her out of her shell, if you will. "hey, um....." SHIT. what was her name? "Y/N" came the small voice, as if she'd read my mind. "right, sorry, Y/N.." she looked up at me "are you, i mean, is there anything you wanna, i don't know, like tell me?"
"i'm sorry?" she looked scared. i hadn't known her for long but i made a mental note that i never wanted to make her scared again. "i mean," i continued "you don't talk there anything..bothering you?" oh god, what was i saying? why would she tell a perfect stranger, let alone one that had been high the first time she met them, wether or not something was bothering her? i should just shut up. "never mind. it's nothing, sorry"
"oh.." she looked back down. i grimaced.

hi lol :3 if you have any feedback, pls tell me- this story will probably have like four or five more chapters, but it might change depending on how busy i am
k bye :))

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