planning (Ymir's pov)

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Reiner, Berthold and I were walking through campus on the first Friday of term, when a brilliant idea struck me. "hey, Reiner" i said
"what's up?"
"yknow how Y/N's kinda shy of us?" (we had since taken to talking about her often) "sure" he said, looking slick "you're not shy of her though, are you, Ymir?" Berthold laughed and put his arm around the smaller man "c'mon babe" he said "we know Ymir's into Y/N but it doesn't mean we have to tease her about it"
"shut up!" i said, delivering a generous blow to each of them with my bag "it's not like that" they both looked at each other as if to say they knew otherwise. i groaned and went on "anyways, you guys know how they always hold parties on the first Saturday, right?"
"well, i was thinking we take Y/N to one of those, yknow, to get her to warm up a bit" they both looked a bit shocked "you were thinking?" asked Reiner in a sarcastic tone. i whacked him again. Berthold spoke next "but, Ymir i don't think Y/N is that type of person"
"the type of person to like college parties, i mean"
"sure she is" i returned " everyone's loves parties"
"i don't know.." said Reiner
"guyssss" i said, turning to face them "it's for the best"
"well" continued Berthold "if she doesn't agree to it, there's not much you can do anyway" i laughed menacingly. the two men turned away and continued walking, as if they weren't interested in my glorious scheme. "oi, dickheads!" i called, running after them "at least hear what i have to say"
"what?" Reiner sighed
"we don't have to tell her it's a party" i said, looking smug
"..what?" said Berthold
"i mean" i went on "we just tell her that we're gonna hang out at the pool or something, and let the party come to her" i finished
"i mean.." said Reiner looking mildly impressed (but yet again it didn't take much to impress him) Berthold looked tired of both of us. "do what you want" he said "but don't come crying to me when she hates it"


i let myself into the dorm to find Ymir sitting, as if she'd been waiting for me. i jumped. "oh shit" she said "sorry..i guess i did look kinda intimidating"
"it's fine" i said, embarrassed "..did you want something?"
"well" she said, in that smooth voice of hers "i've been thinking. Reiner, Berthold and I are going down to the campus pool tomorrow, to hang out. you wanna come?" i panicked. i'd met Berthold before, and he seemed nice. i'd also met Reiner, he seemed..high. i was never really any good at social interaction, either.

"i-um-i have loads of work-and.."
"that can wait" said Ymir, looking unbothered. i didn't know what to do. "well" she said happily "i guess that's a yes! we're all going to the pool tomorrow" great. i guess i was going to the pool tomorrow.

i awoke to Ymir yelling at someone violently.

"what was going on?!" i thought. i started to panic but decided to go see what was happening. i stepped nervously out of bed and looked around the doorway into where the washing machine was. there was Ymir, hitting it's top forcefully and swearing all the while.

"Y-Ymir?" i spoke out. she looked around at me with a big grin "did i wake you?" she said kindly. i shook my head. "that's good" she said, stepping into the light. i'd never blushed so fast in my life. she was wearing a black bikini and shorts: her body was slim and muscly, but she still looked like a woman. "woah.." i thought. Ymir laughed
"enjoying the view?" she said, smirking. crap! i was staring. i quickly turned away and hid my now red face. she pulled on a gray v-neck and grabbed two fluffy towels from a shelf, handing one to me. i bowed my head in thanks and went to go pack my stuff.

we met up with Reiner and Berthold a few doors down, and all set off towards the pool together. Berthold smiled at me kindly, and Reiner looked vaguely embarrassed. they we all two years my senior, but it felt like much more, if i'm honest. "so, Ymir" began Reiner "this is Y/N" he smirked at her teasingly. i was confused but decided not to get involved. "shut up, shitface" she returned.. i noticed she was blushing a little.

the pool was actually quite nice, there weren't many people there and it was a hot day. Ymir put our stuff down by the side and Berthold asked if i wanted to go with him to buy some drinks. i didn't mind Berthold, so i said yes. we walked along the path under some newly-blossomed sakura trees and he chatted to me pleasantly about school. when we got to our destination (a vending machine stood against the entrance to the gym) he started talking about Ymir.  "you know" he began "i think she likes you"

i was startled. i could feel my cheeks turning red.
"she never really wants to hang out with girls" he went on "..she prefers to..well" now he was the one blushing "you know" i did know. i didn't want to talk about this. the fact that she wanted to hang out with me just meant she thought of me nothing more than a friend. and that was fine. why would i care about that? we were friends. Ymir was my friend.

"yeah" i said, pushing the buttons for the cold drinks. he didn't say anything else about Ymir, i think he could sense that i was uncomfortable.

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