the phone call (Ymir's pov)

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TW: suicidal actions

all i could think about was Y/N. her crying face. she looked so scared. i gritted my teeth angrily as i brewed coffee; how could i leave her like that? intruding my thoughts, one of the other part timers called out "hey, Ymir! we got a phone call for you!"

"coming!" i checked my watch: it was almost my break anyway. i took off the dark green apron from over my head and stepped out from behind the bar.

putting the phone to my face and stepping outside, i said "hey, this is Ymir" the voice on the other end was solemn "Ymir? this is Reiner. i want you to stay calm"
"what's happened, man?" i was starting to get scared.
"it's Y/N..she's in the hospital"
"what?!" everything went numb. "why?"
"she.." his voice was hesitant "she tried to kill herself"

on the way to the hospital Reiner and Berthold said little to me. they tried once or twice to talk but it was useless. i couldn't hear them. nothing in the world mattered but Y/N.

we were greeted by a serious looking doctor who shook his head at us. my heart sank. "where is she?!" i demanded "is she okay?!" he pointed to the room she was in and i didn't hang around any longer. Reiner and Berthold stayed behind to speak with him as i sprinted into the room. there was Y/N. she somehow looked smaller and frailer than when i had last seen her. i sat down beside her and took one of her pale hands. my tears were falling into it as i shook. how could this have happened? if only i hadn't left her.. i was completely numb to the outside world; i stayed like that for hours. outside, the pale pink sky turned from light to dark. doctors came and went, telling me that i had to leave soon. i refused. "hey..Y/N.." i didn't know why i was speaking to her. she couldn't hear me. "please.. please don't go" my tears were falling faster "please.. i never got to tell you.." my voice trailed off as i started to sob. "i-i'm sorry Y/N" i was shaking. "it's all my fault.. if i knew you were feeling this way i.." that was when i saw them. the bandages on her wrists: they were stained a deep red.
that was what broke me.


it was dark. i could hear muffled crying somewhere in the distance..someone was calling me. i had to go. what were they saying though? oh was too late anyway. wait. someone was oh. it is me. i'm all on my own again. i look small.. but.. if that's me..then who am i?
if i recognise that as me.. then who is the one recognising? that probably doesn't make sense.. oh well.

oh look.. im growing up..that's my.. life? the memories are blurred..did i ever have a lover..? yes. she meant the world to me..please..please remember.

i suddenly felt a pulling sensation and what was once black and white became coloured. i was me. someone was there, in front of me. they were much taller that i was and their hair seemed to be pulled back into half a ponytail. she turned around to face me. as she smiled the world seemed to get brighter. it made me want to smile too. "Y/N" she called out, running towards me "Ymir.." i started to run too. tears were falling down my face but Ymir's smile never wavered. we were starting to get close to each other. "please" i thought "please let me feel her touch, once more" i reached my hand out and watched Ymir do the same. indescribable happiness came over me when i saw we were about to touch. our hands were an inch anyway.
then a centimetre.
then the only thing between us was a fraction of space. i smiled as my hand came towards hers-


hi :3 this will be the second to last chapter so i hope you've enjoyed so far

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