The Wolf Stays the Night

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"Since it's been decided that Wolf's going to stay," Kingsley said. "Let's go and eat dinner,"

"King?" Diamond asked.

Kingsley knew what she was going to ask. "Yes, there's a place for Wolf as well," 

"Wolfie, you gotta try King's food!" Diamond said. "He's a really good cook! He's much better than Donny!"

"That's because Donald sets the house on fire, so it's a pretty low bar already," Kingsley reminded. "Hence why he's not allowed in the kitchen,"

Wolf slowly turned to Donald. The Union head glared at him. "Not a word, Wolf Keum, not a word,"

Wolf hesitantly poked at his food. 'Did Donald secretly poison it to kill me?'

"It's not poisoned," Diamond said as if she had read his mind. She ate a spoonful of his curry. "Yummy!" She then scooped some more and held it up to Wolf's lips. "Say ah!"

Donald made eye contact with Wolf. 'Don't you fucking dare you piece of shit!'

"I can feed myself," Wolf said. "And that's your spoon,"

Diamond blinked before understanding what the situation was. "Sorry Wolfie! It was almost an indirect kiss!" She returned to eating her own curry.

'I need to be careful while I'm here,' Wolf thought. 'Donald seems to be a very overprotective older brother, so anything can set him off,'

"So," Kingsley asked. "What's your school project about?"

"Dra—Diamond and I have to create a short picture book," Wolf stammered. "It's due the week before the semester ends,"

"Wolfie and I are gonna write a story about a wolf and a dragon," Diamond smiled so bright that Wolf himself smiled a bit. "I like wolves and dragons,"

"So do I," Wolf's smile disappeared when he felt Donald's glare. 'Am I going to die tonight?' Internally, he was still smiling. He liked it when Diamond wasn't afraid to speak her mind. Whenever "Drake" was too afraid to speak his mind, Wolf found it a bit frustrating.

"Our class is also performing the play Blizzard White and the Seven Gnomes," Diamond added. "Wolfie is Prince Charming and I'm Blizzard White,"

Donald reached for his knife but Ducky grabbed it before him and pointed it at the blonde. "Birk!"

"Hey Diamond," Wolf said. "I think your chicken's threatening your brother with a knife," 'Am I drunk?'

"That's normal," Diamond told him. "Ducky and Donald always gets into disagreements,"

'Donald always gets into a disagreement with a chicken!?' Wolf couldn't believe the domestic life that the fearsome Union founder had.

This family life was a vast difference to Wolf's own home life. He lived alone in his apartment with no family, pets, or even friends. He didn't believe in friends, thinking that they'd only make him vulnerable. Well, he had Drake, or rather Diamond, now. Although he thought he didn't want to befriend her, he found himself enjoying her presence.

And the current family life he was experiencing, even if Donald had murderous intentions towards him, was...nice and warm. Whenever he was home at his apartment, it was cold and sad. But the Na House was lively and welcoming...except for the fact that Donald wanted to kill him.

Ducky hopped onto Wolf's lap and nuzzled against his chest. "Bir..."

"You fucking bird..." Donald glared at the chicken. "Do you actually like Wolf, or are you just doing that to piss me off?"

Ducky pointed at Wolf and then at Diamond. He then made a heart shape with his wings.

Donald stared at the chicken with a shocked expression. "What the fuck!? How can you ship those two!? Diamond is an innocent princess that must be protected! Wolf's an uncultured beast that will only negatively affect her!"

Ducky held up a copy of The Beauty and the Beast.

Wolf glanced around at everyone but they were all calm. 'Why is everyone so calm about the way this chicken is acting? Ducky seems to be smarter than the average chicken,' Wolf then thought about the fact that Ducky made a heart shape, indicating that the bird thought he and Diamond would make a great couple. 'Diamond and I, a couple? That doesn't sound bad, but she and I don't have any romantic feelings towards each other. At most, we're just friends. We're barely friends,'


"Wolfie, you can sleep in my room," Diamond innocently suggested. 


"Abso-fucking-lutely not!" Donald refused. "The mangey mutt sleeps outside!"

"Woflie's not sleeping outside!" Diamond told him. "You know how tough it is sleeping outside in the cold, windy, rainy night! I don't want Wolfie to be kicked out! We already decided that he could stay the night!"

"It's not raining," Donald pointed out.

"But it's still cold and windy!" Diamond argued. "Wolfie's sleeping over tonight!"

Donald sighed and mumbled, "He can sleep on the couch,"

"We can have a sleepover in the living room!" Diamond decided. "We'll stay up and watch some movies and eat snacks all night long!"

"Stay six feet apart," Donald ordered. "No physical contact with each other. The chicken stays in between you two," 'At least they're not in Dia's bedroom and I'll be able to keep an eye on that perverted mutt,'

"Birk!" Ducky cawed as if saying "Don't you fucking dare order me around, Uncle Donald!"

"On second thought, I think I'll just stay in the living room too," Donald said.

"Donald, we have a lot of paperwork to do," Kingsley dragged his friend out of the living room and back upstairs to his office.

"Kingsley!" Donald exclaimed. "We can't just leave those two alone there, unsupervised!"

"Ducky's there," Kingsley reminded. "And I don't think Wolf would hurt her,"

"He traumatized Sam Lee and nearly murdered him in middle school," Donald pointed out. "Wolf's dangerous and I won't let him have a chance to hurt our baby sister,"

"As I said before," Kingsley told him. "Dia is comfortable around him. She's happy with him,"

"She was comfortable and happy around Evan too but look what happened!" Donald snapped. "Evan ended up being a douchebag and hurt her! I refuse to let our sister get hurt again! This time...this time I can protect her,"

"This time, we both know the true personality of her friend," Kingsley said. "We also know that Wolf wouldn't hurt Dia because that would mean he'd have to fight you. Wolf knows that you're stronger than him,"

Donald thought back to his sister's smile. She seemed so happy and wasn't overwhelmed by her past. She was finally moving on from her past. Her interacting with others and making friends was the main reason why she began public school again. Wolf had drawn out Diamond's happy personality.

Donald sighed in defeat. "I really would prefer if he were Jake Ji or even that hooligan Ben Park instead of Wolf,"

Kingsley patted Donald's back. "If Wolf hurts Dia...we'll torture him and he'll beg for death,"

Sometimes Kingsley could be scarier than Donald himself.

Sorry for the long wait, but Chapter 10 is finally here!

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