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Ambers P.O.V

       My eyes fixated on her being as I let out an amused laugh.

"Yeah good luck with that." I stated.

As I spoke those words violet looked as if this was a challenge for her in which she was determined to conquer, causing me to chuckle.

My eyes began to wonder around the area in which I was in. I immediately spot jack, seeing him pull out his already prerolled blunt before bringing it to his lips and lighting the end.

Yeah, That's where I'm going.

"So tell me about the situation with you and jack. I've heard his version 100 times but now I want to hear yours." Violet spoke up before I could.

I immediately broke eye contact with her and instead fixated my eyes on the bottle sitting in front of me. This is so incredibly uncomfortable, I really don't want to talk about my private life to people I literally just met. It's even more unsettling that they already know about it.

"Ummm, it's not really something I like to talk about."

"No worries then you don't have to. But if you're worried about us talking, don't be. Like I said I've already heard this story 100 times and the only two people I'd tell are sitting right next to me." She paused as she motioned to Ileana and Stass.

"But I understand where you're coming from. Why would you want to tell some people you just met about something private in your life. It's cool, I get it. I was just trying to compare the two stories." She finished, igniting my interest in the process

What all did jack even tell this chick.

"Wait so, what did jack tell you?" I questioned allowing my curiosity to get the best of me.

Violet looked at me with wide eyes indicating it was a lot of information before taking a swig from her drink.

" it's really a lot of shit, I don't think I'd have enough time to lay it all on you right now." She joked.

For some reason, when she spoke those words I could feel a hint of anger rise within me.

I just don't understand why he'd tell people so much shit about us. Like, if she can't tell me right now then he must've given her a-lot of details rather than just the gist. Not that that makes anything better.

And honestly who even is this bitch? What makes her so special that he tells all his private shit to?

                       "Try your best." I smiled, trying to hide the anger rising within me.

She let out a loud sigh before speaking.

  "I mean if I'm going to be honest he told me that y'all's relationship was always really complicated. He said y'all fought a lot and like it was a really long and complicated process to getting into a relationship. " she said generalizing the story.

It was very blatantly obvious that she was withholding pieces of information in which she was given in order to stay in a safe zone of conversation.

"Yeah, I mean that's pretty much it." I shrugged, deciding not to push for further details from her seeing as I desperately wanted to change the topic.

But I do wonder what all she really knows. How deep did he really go with her?

"Wait- so did y'all start fucking while y'all were step siblings or like afterrrr?" Violets friend Ileana spoke up, clearly confused.

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