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Amber's P.O.V

I stare up at jack silently with a blank expression on my face, awaiting for him to say something.

"So you walked all the way here by yourself? You just somehow remembered your way around town? " jack spoke up with anger still clear in his expression.

"Yeah, that's pretty much how it went." I reply, making sure to strip my voice of all emotions

"Give me your phone." He states, placing his hand in front of me in order to retrieve the device

I look up at him with irritation clear in my eyes before handing him my phone. He snatches it out of my hand before unlocking it and going through all my private information.

What the fuck does he really think he's going to find?

After watching Jack navigate his way through my phone for approximately 2 minutes, he then hands me my phone before speaking.

"Get up, let's go." He stated dryly.

My eyebrows furrowed together in confusion as he spoke those words to me.

Do you really think I'm going anywhere with you right now?

"No. I'm waiting here for my Uber." I replied as I cross my arms together in-front of my chest

"You mean the Uber I just cancelled?" Jack questioned as he looked down at me.

"Why would you do that?"

"Because I already told you I was taking you home, so get up and let's go." He pressed

"Jack I can literally smell the alcohol on you, your crazy if you think I'm actually getting into a car with you right now." I explained.

                            "Then I'll just get zac or violet to drop you back off at your dorm since you're so adamant on not riding with me." He spoke attempting to compromise.

What does he not get?

                              "What are you not understanding? I don't want to be around you, or your friends right now. That's why I left in the first place. Your so disrespectful and have no regard for me or my feelings. You tell all your friends all this shit about us and our past, our PRIVATE shit without even once considering how that would make me... your girlfriend feel. And then when I try to say something about it, show you that I don't like that, you turn around and call me over dramatic in-front of everyone. Completely dismissing my feelings and concerns. So no jack, I don't want to go home with you and I damn sure don't want to go home with your fucking friends."  I snapped, feeling the anger from before creep back inside of me.

                           "You know what?! Fine! Whatever! Do whatever you want. I don't even care anymore." He said raising his voice as he turned his body from me,  beginning to walk away.

                            "Really jack? That's all you have to say?" I yelled, now getting frustrated by his actions.

                            "What do you want me to say? You're acting like a fucking brat again and I don't have time for it. So you know what? Leave. Go ahead! I don't know why I even tried to stop you in the first place. You can fucking walk back to campus for all I care." He pressed as he turned his body back around to face me.

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