Chapter 17

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I was awoken before dawn by Neranni, who was there to help me train with the dagger. They had me demonstrate the forms Bryn had taught me, and then showed me some of theirs that were better suited for daggers, helping me though the motions and footwork with a lot more patience than Bryn ever had.

Neranni withdrew when the sky started to lighten. "I think you show some promise, Una, but it's time for me to leave before others wake and I'm noticed."

"Thank you for this. Bryn said she'd have my head if I forgot anything."

"You're welcome," Neranni quipped as they gathered their things and paused by the door. "And Una?"


"If he plans on taking you to their meetings, please thoroughly bathe. It is abundantly clear what you two were doing last night." Neranni wrinkled their nose as I flushed bright red. "I refrain from making any personal commentary about it, but I mention it because if Dagny or Mikolai smells it, it will undermine Casimir's efforts. Do you understand?"

"Yes," I said quietly, fighting down my embarrassment.

"Good, now get some rest. I doubt anyone will be rising early after the ball last night."

With that, they left.

I bathed as Neranni directed after finding several scented soaps left over from the previous night. There were floral options, but I chose the spicy, heady scents instead.

I paused to marvel at the simplicity and opportunity of the choice, how two months ago I would have not been allowed it, and how strange it was that I was still getting used to making simple choices such as selecting soap.

I lathered my hair and rinsed it twice, and started on my skin, carefully skimming over the bruises. My mind drifted as I scrubbed absently.

You look marvelous. You look delectable—good enough to eat.

Casimir's hair between my fingers.

Casimir's head between my thighs.

The cresting waves of pleasure he had given me.

I shook my head to dispel the thoughts of him and finished washing the soap from my skin. I dried off and put on the shift I had found to wear last night after Casimir had destroyed my dress. After braiding my damp hair, I crawled back into bed in the slanting morning light and closed my eyes.

I stirred from my sleep when I heard the door later that morning, but it was only a servant delivering a tray of food.

My growling stomach, unimpressed with the bits of food I had idly eaten at the ball last night, refused to let me fall back asleep. The tray contained a steaming bowl of softened grains, spiced and drizzled with a sweet syrup, as well as a plate of smoked sausages and a flat piece of bread. I ate in silence, waiting for my door to open with Casimir standing behind it to whisk me away to participate in his political schemes.

It never came.

I finished my food, stacked my plates back on the tray, and waited. I stretched my limbs, practiced my form with my dagger in a lazy, relaxed manner, stretched some more, and started pacing.

I was bored.

I had grown used to my days being occupied with constant movement and Casimir while we traveled to the Autumn Court. We had been by ourselves, no court audience to perform for, no one we had to hide from. It was different now that we had arrived in Rowanfell and had to impress Lady Dagny and Mikolai. That they couldn't smell us together or it would undermine his efforts.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2020 ⏰

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