Main Interests

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I know it's very late, but I want you to meet them. So that you won't be confused in the middle of the story.

ACE - (Frog prince)

Social Status: Gamer from Crimson Elites (Secretly)
Prince (Literally)
Good at negotiating and ruling
Self proclaimed cassava-este cassanova though he absolutely sucks at flirting to girls
Sucks at making food too

SPECIAL ABILITY: Can speak a long speech without breathing (rapper speaker) (you won't be bored) (you just won't understand the speech)

HATES: Annoying people

School Status: Campus king, council Pres, loved by everyone because he's nice.

DANIEL - (Cold old crow)

Social Status: Gamer (Secretly Crimson Elite's Leader)
Best both at literature and martial arts
Cold as ice, hot as hell
Secretly, food lover (but can't make his own food)
Singer, dancer
CAN kill you with just a stare
Sucks at speaking, silent type
Very scary person but still have a cute side

SPECIAL ABILITY: Can eat everything without getting fat

School status: Campus Prince, Campus Tyrant

JADE - (Child Who Eat Sweets Everytime)

Social Status: Famous singer, chef and gamer
Crimson Elite Member
Singer, dancer
Sucks at math
Childish, always suck lollipops

SPECIAL ABILITY: Can eat sweets everytime without having any toothache

HATES: Running out of sweets or someone ate his food

School Status: Campus prince, campus cutie

ELIZER - (Hot Headed Nerd)

Social Status: Gamer (Secretly)
Crimson Elite Member (The Brain)
He likes guns
Good both at singing and dancing
Sucks at art even though he tries so hard

SPECIAL ABILITY: Best at playing everyone without them knowing.

HATES: Stupid, clumsy people and noise.

School Status: Dance Club president, Snob, trashtalker, the topnotcher, the singer and the dancer, Campus Prince

ZANDER - (Da man who became a lady)

First rank gamer and hacker in the whole world
Boastful as fuck
Heavy eater
Heavy sleeper
Can be cold as ice and at the same time, hot as hell
Good at both combat and literature
Interested in guns and, fishballs

Can be stupid as well

HATES: Annoying high pitched furball cats

SPECIAL SKILL: Can sleep 3 days straight (Amy's Original)

School status: [ ]

Warning: You might fall. They won't catch you so be careful.

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