Pictures - Juke Fluff and Minor Smut

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Julie and Luke are dating, and Julie decides to send sexy pictures to Luke to see how he'll react.


Warnings- swearing, very minor smut, hickeys, mentions of abuse (but it doesn't actually happen)



Julie POV:

Today Luke, Alex, Reggie, Flynn, Willie, and I are going to the park for a picnic! It was Lukes idea, he said we needed a "bonding day". I think it's a great idea, and I can't wait to get there. Luke and I are currently driving to the park, and his hand is on my thigh, slowly moving upwards.

"Luke, we can't. We're almost there, and we're already late," I tell him, giving him a reluctant smile.

"Sorry," Luke says looking disappointed. He removes his hand from my thigh, and I immediately miss it.

"Hey," I say looking at Luke sweetly. "I'm not mad, and I promise if our friends weren't waiting for us, I would do that. But I don't want to leave them waiting."

"Damn our friends," Luke mumbles.

"Luke," I say, raising my eyebrows.

"I'm kidding, you know I love them. Just wish they weren't such cockblocks," Luke responds, giving me a seductive smile.

I roll my eyes jokingly, and look away, knowing I can't resist his smile. Shortly after, we pull into the park and go to meet our friends.

"Hey you guys!" yells Flynn. "You finally made it!"

"Hey everyone!" I yell back.

We both sit down, and Flynn whispers in my ear.

"Why were you late?" Flynn asks, giving me a suggestive look. "Were you... ya know."

"What, no!" I say, cutting her off. I didn't want her to know about how I was late because Luke can't keep his hands to himself.

"Ok, sure," Flynn responds, looking unconvinced.

"I'm gonna go to the bathroom," I tell her, changing the subject.

Luke POV:

"So, why were y'all so late?" Reggie asks me.

"Umm... traffic," I respond. Unfortunately, I'm not a very good liar.

"Traffic? It was fine when I was driving here," questions Reggie.

"Oh we... came the long way," I say, but I don't think anyone believes me.

"Are you sure that's the reason? Julie has a hickey on her neck, so unless you've been hitting her, and if you have I swear to fucking god-" Alex says, but I cut him off.

"I haven't been hitting her!" I yell. "You guys know I would never do that."

"Good. But that means you weren't late due to traffic," smirks Reggie.

"Fine, whatever," I mumble defeated. I hear my phone buzz, and I pick it up. It's from Julie. As soon as I open the text my eyes pop out of my head.

"Are you okay?" Alex asks. "What are you looking at?" He looks at my phone before I can pull it away.

"Ew ew ewww!" Alex exclaims making a disgusted face. "Why didn't you warn me?"

"I tried to pull my phone away, but you were too fast!" I say.

"What was it babe?" asks Willie.

"Julie sent Luke very... adult pictures," Alex says.

"No way, really?!" Flynn yelled, choking on her drink. Reggie slapped her on her back, and then she was fine.

"Um, yeah she did," I mutter blushing. "I'm gonna go get my sunglasses from my car." After I leave, I hear Reggie speak.

"He isn't going to his car, is he?"

"No, his car is the other way," says Alex, looking disappointed.

Julie POV:

I hope I didn't scare him. we've never had sex before. He's gonna break up with me, isn't he. Oh god I wish I didn't do that. I'll just tell him it was a joke. But what if he liked it? He would be upset if I said it was a joke...

I hear the bathroom door open.

"Julie? Are you in here?" It's Luke.

"Yeah, I'm in the big stall," I say nervously.

He comes in the stall and kisses me hungrily, my hands running through his hair. I break the kiss to take off his shirt.

"Are you sure?" he asks. I nod.

(Sorry you guys, I'm really not feeling the motivation to write smut today. I can do another smut chapter some other time though)

A little while later, we both come out of the bathroom and sit back down with our friends.

"So Luke, where are your sunglasses?" asks Reggie.

"What?" he responds, confused.

"You said you left to get your sunglasses. But your car is that way, so..."

"Um... no my car is that way," Luke says, unconvincingly while pointing towards the bathrooms.

"Very convincing babe," I say pecking his cheek.

"Ok now that the lovebirds are done with their... business, let's eat," says Flynn, clearly disgusted with the whole situation, but I'm sure she'll be asking me for all the details later.

Later that night

"So, did you guys finally have sex?" Flynn asks me.

"Yeah we did," I tell her.

"Tell me everything! Was it...good?"

"...Yeah it was really good. Luke has a really big d-"


"Sorry. It's like 8 inches tho-"


"Sorry! You said to tell you everything!"

"I didn't mean that! You used a condom right?"


"Okay good, I don't want you to be a teen mom."

"Don't worry. We're smarter than that," she raises her eyebrow at me. "Well, I am," I say, and we both laugh. 



Thank you for reading! I know I said this would be out last night, so I'm sorry, but it's here now! I noticed that all of my a/n's look a little different (italics wise) so just ignore that lol. (I'm blonde, don't judge) I love y'all so much, and I hope you have a very merry christmas!

xoxo, am<3

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