Chapter 4: The Children Pt.3

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Chapter 4: The Children Pt.3

I sat between Mando and the small green child in the makeshift cart Kuiil and him made

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I sat between Mando and the small green child in the makeshift cart Kuiil and him made.

We were venturing or seeking out the Jawas who stole parts of Mando's ship in an effort to trade and be on our way. To say I felt disappointed was an understatement.

Last night, Mando had made me feel two things I hadn't felt in a long time, hopeful and protected.

When he taught me how to ride the blurrg, there was this part of me, this unrealistic part, that thought maybe he wouldn't turn us in, maybe he would instead let us go or even better maybe-just maybe he would let us join him on his adventures.

I thought he was perhaps warming up to us, maybe even holding a soft spot for the children he captured and had to turn in, but this morning changed. I woke up and reality set in. He was back to his cold and distant ways.

I bite my lip. I felt embarrassed that I myself had let my guard down, I had been afraid of Kuiil and unintentionally sought out Mando's protection, he was so nice, he apologized, no one had ever done such a thing, but I should've known better.

Arriving, we see the group of Jawas. Kuiil immediately waves, speaking, what I assume is a greeting, in their language.

However, upon seeing Mando, they all start freaking out as they point their weapons our way making me gasp as Mando's arm immediately comes in front of me, nudging me near him as the baby only coos.

"They really don't like you for some reason." Kuiil speaks. I can hear Mando scoff slightly.

"Well, I did disintegrate a few of them." He states. He turns to look at me as I hold the baby close to me.

"Stay here." He commands. I only nod as I stare at the Jawas behind him. I bite my lip. What if they open fired at
us all?

"I'll handle it."

My eyes snap to see Mando looking at me. Before I can respond, Kuiil speaks. "You need to drop your rifle."

Mando turns to him. "I'm a Mandalorian. Weapons are part of my religion."

Mandalorian? I thought he was a bounty hunter? What's a Mandalorian? Is that why he's named Mando? My brows furrow in confusion. Are weapons really apart of his religion?

Kuiil shakes his head. "Then you're not getting your parts back."

Mando sighs. "Fine." He puts the rifle down. Kuiil dismounts the blurrg, the Mandalorian gets off the sled.

"And the blaster." He adds.

The Mandalorian puts the blaster away, and they both leave to sit down with the Jawas.

I glance at the baby, softly speaking. "What's a Mandalorian?" I hum curiously.

Are they bounty hunters? Just given a certain name? I want to ask questions, I want to know what makes me and this baby so special that a Mandalorian is after us.

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