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Winter break was really fun. I spent a lot of time with my family. But it was time to head back to boarding school which I wasn't really exited for. But I was exited to see Jack. I didn't tell him I was coming back yet because I wanted to surprise him.

I got onto my flight and flew to the boarding school. I got there and unpacked all my things in my dorm. It was kinda late at night and Stephanie was sleeping. I knew Jack would be awake so I decided to go surprise him at his dorm

I unlocked his door and opened it. There was a girl with her bra off and in her underwear on top of him making out with him. The girl turned around and it was fucking liv. His ex who bullied me and made rumors about him. "Jack what the fuck" I said standing at the door not knowing what to do. "Becca, omg Becca" he said as he pushed liv off and put his pants back on. "I-I can't believe you" I said with my hand over my mouth and I started crying. He tried talking but I interrupted him. "I don't want to hear your shit. Stay with your little whore and don't talk to me" I said turning around and slamming his door. "Becca please" he yelled down the hallway. I just kept walking, I couldn't comprehend what I just saw. I started sobbing. Everything I've done for him and he couldn't wait 2 weeks for me to get back. I got back to my dorm and fell asleep crying.

The next day at school I ignored him. Every time I'd walk by him I'd pretend I didn't even notice him but I could feel him looking at me. At lunch I sat with Stephanie and told her everything that happened. I started crying and I ran over to the bathroom and as I did Jack grabbed my arm and wiped my tear. "Get the fuck off me" I said and shoved him into the wall. "Can we talk" he said. "Talk, what are we gonna talk about? How the girl I hate was on top of you with her boobs out" I said. He didn't say anything and he was blushing. He was embarrassed. "Yea that's what I thought" I said and walked into the bathroom. He's such a dick. Why would he do that.

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