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Chapter Two


"Have you heard?" (Y/N) began. "There will be a firework display tonight."

"Fireworks?" Akaza echoed.

The feel of the word in his mouth, though incredibly trivial, somehow felt familiar. Of course he knew what fireworks were, but the taste it left was almost recognizable.

The Upper Moon Three did not leave (L/N) (Y/N)'s side since their meeting in the snow. She was interesting—at least, that's what he told himself. It seemed he needed to find an excuse to see her again. Akaza visited at night to check up on her, commonly making a comment on her frail figure. He would sometimes leave immediately, or he would stay over the daytime and leave the next night.

(Y/N) herself did not seem to mind this newfound occurrence, especially since it provided her some entertainment and company—something she had lost over the years. And, it wasn't like she was too fearful of Akaza suddenly ending her life, anyways.

"Do you not know what fireworks are?" she lightly scoffed at him.

"Of course I know."

Their relationship consisted of the slightest of insults. One would make a comment belittling the other, and it would go off from there.

(Y/N) learned that Akaza did not kill women, but that also did not imply he treated them on the same level as his own. Akaza viewed himself as much stronger than any human, and as someone that still needed to get even stronger.

Still, he found himself going back to this same place every time.

In fact, it was not even the place, it was the woman.

It didn't matter where she was—inside her shelter, out in the snow, on the rooftop. He never failed to accompany her. It felt almost like a requirement to him at this point.

Perhaps it was the damned snow, which was making him think so much of his unknown human past. When the snow came, the memories came. And with that, came the image of a woman. But that image would then shift, and instead, he would see (Y/N). It did not matter how similar or different her appearance compared to that Koyuki person, for that same feeling was still there.

"What about that firework show is so important?" he questioned her. The demon tried his hardest to make his voice sound passive, as if it was a trivial matter. And maybe, it was truly trivial—but his brain shrouded the topic with importance.

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