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Chapter Three


A happy, loving, and engaged couple.

That was what (L/N) (Y/N) and Akaza acted like.

Stolen kisses in the morning, tea in the afternoon, conversations in the evening, and cuddles in the night—this was their picture perfect routine.

It did not matter to them if their intimacy had underlying themes of falsehood and toxicity. If they just ignored it, then it didn't matter, right? They were happy with each other, so the fabrication and pretense meant nothing to them.

They would both do just about anything to feel that loving warmth again, after all.

Akaza was a lot better at this act than (L/N) (Y/N) was. Though, the human woman was not too sure if that was a good or bad thing for her.

She, of course, still had moments of recognition that Akaza was not the same man as her past fiancé—realization tended to hit her in the dead of night when the demon would leave, or in the middle of the day when he was sometimes not present. She wasn't quite sure if he experienced the same thing once in a while, for he still kept up his loving nature around her. (Y/N) didn't want it to get the best of her, but it was impossible when Akaza would have minor slip ups.

The Upper Moon Three had little moments where he said the most confusing things. But he was being genuine, which baffled (Y/N) to no end.

"Akaza," she had once called out to him during the day as she stayed over. Her acknowledgement was not supposed to be of any importance, yet it seemed to be his focus, anyways.

"That's not what you used to call me," he frowned.

This had caught her off guard. Her acknowledgement was not supposed to be of any importance, yet it seemed to be his focus, anyways. Either way, what he told her did not make any sense.

"That's what I've always called you," she replied, an eyebrow raised up at him in confusion.

It was always Akaza, from now, and since the moment they met in the snow. She never referred him by any other name; but if he happened to have one, then she did not know it.

He hummed as if in thought, and then remarked, "I could've sworn you called me by a different name."

"You're being delusional."

And (Y/N) truly believed he was becoming delusional. Akaza kept having these little moments where he brought random things up, and the human woman could only assume that his own memories of the past were becoming tangled with the present. If not for these moments, then she would've probably fell for the act, as well.

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