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Chapter Five


"I never recognized you as the type to get so distracted, Akaza."

Kibutsuji Muzan's words were degrading, and practically disgusted as he looked down on the Upper Moon Three bowing before him.

Akaza acted almost apologetic—his forehead was pushed harshly on the wooden floorboards, where he protested himself as low as his body would allow. He wasn't too sure why he felt so guilty, but the feeling nevertheless pushed him down to submission in front of the demon progenitor.

Kibutsuji raised an eyebrow at his lackey for just a moment, and for the first time in awhile, he felt blatantly baffled.

The Upper Moon Three's aura felt just a tiny bit more weak. And if he was being honest, it felt a tad more human, too.

But the humanity of the demon wasn't what caught the red eyed demon's attention. Rather, it was the mass of swarming thoughts inside Akaza's head. From what Kibutsuji could read, Akaza's mind seemed to cloud with nothing but stormy panic and worry—worry over someone. The Upper Moon was so distracted by this odd fixation, that he could not even spare a second to fear his puissant master in front of him.

Kibutsuji was not blind to his obsession with the human woman (L/N) (Y/N).

But it was only now that he decided to take action against their relationship. Akaza was a demon made to serve him, and this woman was distracting him from finding the blue spider lily. Hearing his thoughts being swarmed with solely her was nothing short of an annoyance. Some human-like relationship was not his purpose as a demon.

"You will stop seeing that woman," Kibutsuji coldly decided for him, causing the Upper Moon to harshly flinch.

Seeing Akaza react in such a way was almost enough of an irritation to make Kibutsuji kill him on spot. But Akaza was one of his favorites, and so he decided to spare him this one chance.

"Or else I will do something about her myself."



Akaza—no, "Hakuji"—insisted she called him that, for some reason. It was odd, and the name came out of nowhere, but (Y/N) didn't bother to question things anymore. She had learned to just blindly accept and go with it.

"You're home," she rejoiced joyously. And like a happy wife, she walked up to him and threw her arms around his figure as he walked into their house.

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