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•A Fever Dream•



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"D I D  Y O U  H A V E  A  G O O D relationship with the new students, Laila?" the detective continued to question Laila, who looked calm since the moment she was asked to sit on the chair. "On a scale of 1 to 10 where would you put your friendship with Nadia? Samuel, maybe even Christian?"

Laila rubbed her temple but not because of a headache that continued to pound her head mercilessly. The more she had to answer the less confident she felt, because Laila was sure that soon the woman in front of her would ask questions which would be uncomfortable or something Laila wanted to keep hidden. Especially about someone who stayed in Laila's mind like a terminal cancer, ready to rip her apart.

The girl sighed silently, shrugging her squared shoulders. "10, um, maybe 8 and then 4 or something," she answered vaguely, knowing she had the best relationship with Nadia, one which didn't take her long to begin. Laila was always a loner but befriending Nadia was her smartest choice to date. Or maybe the stupidest, because it led to so many things Laila wished she hadn't started.

As if reading Laila's mind, the detective asked with a smile which caused Laila to loose hers. "Did it take you a long time to bond with people who, as you had said, were of the same crowd?"

Laila continued to breathe in and out like her mother had taught, remembering a happening which occurred the second day the new three scholarship students set foot in Las Encinas. A time where Laila could only dream about everything about to come. "Well, I tried to stay on my own lane, but seeing someone go through something similar as I have left an effect. An effect which backfired on me."


T H E  N E X T  D A Y  in a sea of hundreds to come, Laila found herself completely calm in Las Encinas. It was a rare occasion for her to be this unguarded or wary of her surroundings, but Laila felt like with the new students they did have her back even if she saw none of them that moment.

Standing in front of her locker, Laila tried to memorize her notes, knowing they would be writing a short test about the most recent writer they learned about. Martin always loved creativity, but Laila knew he also needed facts, hence why she was trying to memorize the dates of a writer's life.

The girl knew she should've went to the library or outside, because it was loud and obnoxious in the hallway, more so she was being too rash by minding her own business when Lucrecia or Guzman could strike her at any given moment. Yet again, Laila proved to be brave that day, maybe because she couldn't stop thinking about the new students, of whom two screamed friend material.

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