12: The Field

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Morning on Sorgan smelled of fresh-cut grass and pine sap. It was a smell Nova welcomed. Grogu had nuzzled himself out of Nova's warm grasp to watch the Mandalorian put on his armor. The movement woke Noca from her light sleep. Nova sits up slowly to see the Mandalorian open one of his weapon cases. Memories of the day before hit her slowly causing her to frown. Memories of being vulnerable in front of Cara also came to mind but instead of the normal cringe reaction she would have given, Nova was actually content. It had been some time since she had opened up to another person. Cara was a nice shoulder to cry on and didn't push her to forgo any information she didn't want to share. 

Cara consoled her and told her she was strong and was more than capable to be where she is now with what she has endured. Although Nova didn't listen to her kind words, she still appreciated them. Even if the Mandalorians were to be as distant and harsh, Nova will still have a friend in Cara.

"Good morning little guy," she says softly to Grogu who sat on the cot next to her. Grogu turned to Nova and coos happily. 

A soft knock takes everyone's attention to the door. Nova notices the Mandalorian become cautious his hand on his blaster. "Come in." His robotic voice calls.

Omera in all her tanned beauty entered the cabin with her daughter Winta close behind. They both carried food trays for their guests.

"Can I feed him?" Winta asks politely.

"Sure." Both the Mandalorian and Nova mutter at the same time. Winta smiles and approaches the cot where Grogu sat. Nova was now on her feet stretching. 

Winta holds up some food. "Are you hungry?" She asks Grogu. Gorgu immediately takes the food fast shoving it into his smallmouth. "Can I play with him?" She asks.

"Of course!" Nova says before the Mandalorian can deny.

"Come on!" Winta calls as she leaves the barn with Grogu following behind. The Mandalorian shuffles almost starting to follow the laughing kids. 

"I don't think--" He begins to say but is stopped by Nova whose hand was pressed up against his chest plate stopping him from following the kids.

"They'll be fine," Nova commands.

"I don't--" He starts again.

"They'll be fine," Omera states taking Nova's side. Nova smiled at the tanned woman actually appreciating her for once. Although Omera appeared nice Nova had a gut feeling she had other intentions when it came to helping the Mandalorian and Nova. But this act of kindness may prove her initial thought wrong.

"Perfectly fine," Nova says clarifying. "And if you are so worried, I'll keep an eye on him." Nova heads to the exit to leave. "I mean it is the only thing I am good for." Her last words filled with sarcasm aimed at the Mandalorian. 

Once Nova leaves the Mandalorian sighs at his situation. He really is going to get a mouthful from her because of his words from the other night. But he believes he deserves it. 

"I brought you some food. I noticed you didn't eat out there. I'll leave it here for when I go," Omera says with a kind tone bringing the Mandalorian from his thoughts.

"That's very thoughtful of you," He turns may expecting Omera to leave.

"Do you mind if I ask you something?" She asks after a moment of silence.

"Go ahead."

"How long has it been since you've taken that off?" She asks curiosity lacing her voice.

"Yesterday," He replies honestly.

"I mean in front of someone else," She was looking deeply into his t-visor of his helmet. The Mandalorian turns looking out to the playing children outside. He watches as Nova chases the kids around giggling with no care in the world.

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