1 - a mistake

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song recommendation: happiest year - jaymes young

jade lockhart

It's been a year.

A year since I left the final battle without looking back.

It was one of the most painful times of my life; seeing my own father hurt the boy I loved. Immediately after he hexed him, I ran over to him, not giving a care if they shot at me next. I remember looking down at his cold, lifeless body and thinking it was the end.

My heart was tearing apart inside my chest and the heart wrenching sobs I let out had never been let out before. Emotion was always a weak point for me, I was taught to keep a strong face through everything.

But Ryder helped me.

He taught me to let it all out or else the pain will just eat me from the inside.

In that moment, I listened to him. Seeing him lying there on the ground sparked a whole new side of me to be released. It felt like my whole world was falling down right in front of me and there was nothing I could do about it.

And then when he was brought to the Great Hall, I was instantly relieved to hear that they could find a pulse and I tried to keep positive. I stayed with him the whole time, praying that he would wake up.

Even though we hadn't talked in awhile, I knew I'd always love him deep down.

After hearing what had happened between him and Y/n, my heart shattered into a million pieces. And the worst part was, he knew what he was doing and she didn't.

Just the thought of them touching each other made me feel sick and I wasn't sure if we could fix us. Our relationship was broken.

When Y/n, Blaise, and Luna showed up to the Great Hall to check on Ryder, I knew it was time to go. He wouldn't want to see me when he woke up, and like always, I ran from my problems.

Y/n owled me, as promised, but I never replied. I needed some time to figure out what I wanted in life, so I travelled around Europe.

And now, I was at the wedding of my best friend, watching their love be confirmed. I was beyond happy for Luna and Blaise and I always knew that they were endgame.

At first I was scared to come and face everyone, but when I heard the news that Ryder wasn't going to show, I immediately felt better.

"Y/n!" I squealed as I hugged her tightly when she walked into the dressing room where the rest of us bridesmaids were getting ready.

"Jade, you look amazing!" she smiled, pulling away from the embrace to look over her appearance. I could tell that she was relieved to see me and I was slightly panicking inside at what excuse I would give her for being away all this time.

"Where have you been?" She asked curiously, knowing that she hadn't seen me since the final battle at Hogwarts a year ago.

There's the dreaded question.

"I needed a break from everything, so I travelled mostly. I always wanted to, so when I had the chance, I finally took it." I smiled as I looked at her worriedly, nervous that she may be mad at me.

I never should've ignored all of her letters this past year. She wanted to see if I was okay and meet up, but I was selfish and decided to do us in myself away from everyone.

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