Girl meets The Real World Part 1

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Ari POV:
""The sun shines during the day." Ms. Matthews will argue the affirmative." Mr.Matthews says as we start our class debate.
"Good morning, everybody. You know why people say that in the morning? Paam! Nailed it." Riley says, god this is going to be terrible.
"How can you possibly lose?" Maya says.
"Like this." Smackle says motioning for Farkle.
"First of all, let's understand that day and night are merely words invented by human beings to communicate simple conceptual constructs apropos of nothing." Farkle starts his argument, yup he won.
"Ooh!" Smackle says causing Lucas and I to look at her.
"Apropos." Farkle repeats.
"Rawr." Smackle says doing a little claw motion and I hold in my laughter.
"Thank you. Thank you very much." Farkle says before he continues his argument. "Anyway, science tells us that the sun is always shining and what appears to be day and night is merely our angle of proximity at a particular time to the Earth's revolution. And, for extra credit, there's no such thing as time."
"Time!" Riley exclaims.
"Our debate topic therefore, is false. The sun does not just shine during the day, it also shines during the night, just not on us." Farkle finishes.
"I win." Riley says and I tilt my head wondering how this is going to go down.
"How do you win? Because I have high hopes. Because when you believe passionately..." Riley starts to say.
"And our debate winner is Farkle Minkus!" Mr Matthews exclaims and we all clap.
"I don't understand. I said what I believed. How could that be wrong?" Riley asks confused.
"There's no wrong, Riley. But there are rules to a debate."
"Okay, who cares about the rules when we know that the sun shines during the day?" Riley says as she starts to get frustrated.
"That's interesting, isn't it? How often do we get so lost in what we think, that we refuse to listen to what the other side has to say, huh? You guys know why we debate in history class? History teaches us that most wars start because we don't listen to the other point of view." Mr.Matthews teaches us.
"I'm not trying to start a war. I just think it's okay to feel strongly about what you believe in." Riley tells him.
"Riley, it's not enough to go through life without considering the other point of view." Mr.Matthews tells his daughter.
"Oh, I'm sorry, I couldn't hear you. The sun was in my ears." Riley exclaims.
"Here we go." Lucas says causing me to shake my head.
"I love this class" Zay says.
"So much" I finish laughing a little.
"Being passionate about what you believe in is the only way to live. I don't need your facts, and I certainly don't need your points of view." Riley says causing me to shake my head that was kind of rude.
"Switch." Mr Matthews simply states.
"Huh?" She asks.
"Switch sides. Argue the other side. Farkle?" He says.
"The sun shines during the day. You know how I know? Poom!" He starts.
"Hey!" Riley exclaims.
"Wait for it" I say calmly.
"POOM is my acronym for "Polar oscillation in orbital motion."" Farkle continues and I nod my head knew it.
"Is it hot in here? It's hot in here, right? What's happening?" Smackle says.
"Is She alright?" Lucas whispers to me.
"Eh same feeling I get at one of your games" I saying shrugging cause me to raise an eyebrow at me. "Love ya" I say smiling at him a little bit he just kisses my forehead smiling.
"Farkle, what do you really believe?" Riley asks.
"The sun shines all the time. When we see it, it's day. So for us the sun shines during the day." Farkle answers her.
"How do we know what you really believe if you can switch sides that easily?" Riley asks cockily.
"I'm not changing what I believe. But a good debater needs to be able to argue both sides." Farkle informs her.
"Right. And as you continue to grow, you'll find a benefit to understanding the other side of an argument." Mr Matthews says. "Because if you know what you're up against, you'll be ready for it."
"Oh, I don't think I'll need to be ready to argue something as simple as whether the sun is out or not." Riley says.
"Are people naturally good or evil?" Mr.Matthews asks.
"Good." Riley replies instantly.
"All of you will argue good. Only one of you will argue the other side. Ms. Matthews..." Mr Matthews says and I gasp hitting Lucas' shoulder.
"You wouldn't dare." She practically growls.
"You will make the case for evil." He finishes before the bell rings.
Lucas quickly stands up and bends down enough for me to jump on his back.
"Go go go" I say as he starts to quickly rush us out of the room.
"He killed us all" Lucas says before we see Zay and Mr Matthews running out of the classroom.
"Yup" I say before I get off his back and we walk hand in hand down the hallway.
After school Zay and I head to his place to start planning Lucas' surprise birthday party.
"I already got his gift so now we just have to plan this stuff" I tell him as we sit in his living room.
"What you get him?" He asks.
"Oh come on"
"I won't tell" he says.
"Yes you will, or you'll say wanna hear a great Ari story and spill" I tell him.
"I wouldn't  yeah I probably would" he says.
"Ok well my mom said she'd make a cake and Mrs Matthews said we could have the party at Topanga's" I inform him.
"Now we just gotta get decorations and invite everyone" he says.
"Zay! It's here!" Mrs.Babinuex says.
"What's here?" I ask him.
"Cookie day!" He says happily.
"Cookie day!" I exclaim before we both rush so he can get his cookie.
"Here it is" he states.
"Come on we gotta meet everyone at Topanga's" I say shaking his shoulder.
"Yeah right you wanna see Lucas" he says shrugging my arm off while laughing.
"Whaaat? Nooo. Okay Yeah now come on I want my cuddles" I say before we leave.

Lucas POV:
"Do you guys know what goes on out there? Climate change, poverty, war?" Riley asks looking around.
"Yeah." I say nodding my head while also wondering what Zay and Ari had to do before they came here.
"This is the way that the world is?" She asks.
"We try to keep it from you." I inform her.
"You're all in on it?" She asks shocked.
"The Riley Committee." Maya replies.
"I pay dues." Farkle informs.
"There are no dues..." I say shaking my head a little.
"Quiet. It's worth it anyway. I think it's wonderful to have somebody among us who looks for the good in everything." Farkle says.
"Well, that's over." Riley tells us.
"Why?" I ask confused.
"Because I've seen things. I'm not Simple Riley anymore."
"Riley, don't let reality change you." Farkle says.
"Yeah, reality's only as powerful as you let it be. Sometimes you can create your own reality. Right, me and Lucas in Hawaii?" Smackle says looking at me and honestly I'm a little creeped out.
"Smackle, inside-your-head voice." Farkle says but she starts to do a hula motion and I look at her shocked.
"Knowing things changes you. I'm supposed to argue that people are evil, and now I can. I have started my research, and I will continue down this dark journey that I can only call, "Riley Matthews: evil person."" Riley says before we all start to snicker. "What, you guys don't think I could be bad?" She asks.
"Um, okay. Do the worst thing that you can think of right now." Maya tells her.
"Hi, to everybody but you! I'm sorry." Riley exclaims.
"It's okay, Riley. Guys, we're gonna be fine." Maya tells the group.
"My cookie came." Zay says entering with Ari.
"Cookie day!" Ari and I exclaims happy for our friend.
"Everyone say it!" Zay says happily.
"Cookie day." they say confused.
"What the..." Smackle starts before Farkle covers her mouth.
"Hey bub" Ari says coming over to me.
"Hey baby, what were you two up to?" I ask my girlfriend.
"Haven't spent much time together so we hung out and we waited for the cookie" She tells me kissing my lips quickly.
"I hold in my hand one Grandma Gandy cookie. Now Grandma Gandy could send me a whole batch, but she doesn't 'cause then she knows I wouldn't appreciate it as much." Zay says explaining his cookie.
"Looks like she's right." Farkle says.
"I mean, grandma says that there's value in just one thing, that you appreciate it more because there's just one. Maybe so, because when I look at this, I think about her making it for me, and her thinking about me the whole time." Zay continues.
"That's a good thing she does, Riley. Doesn't Grandma Gandy seem like a good person?" Maya asks.
"My grandma's getting pretty old now. This could be the last cookie I'm ever gonna get." Zay finishes before Riley eats it.
"Riley!" I exclaim.
"Are you kidding me?" Zay yells.
"Okay, that was bad." Maya says.
"Bad? What could she do worse than that?" Ari yells.
"This cookie is only okay." She simply states and our little Texas group stares at her in shock while Zay whimpers.
"Okay? Her cookies are the best cookies ever!" Ari says lunging before I hold her back and kiss her neck causing her to calm down before we comfort Zay on the loss of his cookie.

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