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The brunette boy pulled Dream's sweatshirt over his head, his eyes watering slightly. He quickly wiped the tears away with the sleeve of the sweatshirt, staring at himself in the mirror.

Clay had been in detox for two days and George was finally able to visit him today. The british boy didnt think it would affect him much, but he genuinely missed waking up with Clay by his side despite their most recent argument.

"What have you done to me, Clay?" The boy whispered to himself, a small smile forming on his face. Dream had completely taken over his life and George was fine with that.

George jumped back slightly when the ringtone of his phone resonated throughout the room, a sigh passing through his lips. The british boy answered the phone, knowing immediately who it was.

"Hey, Nick." George said softly. Sapnap was the only person George had told about Clay's addiction and the Texan did as much as he could to comfort his friend.

"Hi George. How are you?" There was a slight hint of worry in Nick's voice and George frowned once he realized. The boy had come to hate it when people worried about him.

"I'm as good as I can be considering the whole... situation." George replied, Sapnap producing a light hum in response.

"That's good. You get to see Clay today, right?" The texan asked.

"I do, yeah." George smiled through his words, knowing he shouldn't get his hopes up. Clay would likely be very lethargic and barely able to function. The younger boy wouldnt remember a single bit of his time at the hospital.

"Well that's good." Nick said, causing George to shrug. The british boy would likely cry and Clay would be very confused but George couldn't go any longer without seeing him.

"Depends on how you look at it, kind of," George stated. "I do have to leave now though. I'll keep you updated, Nick." The brunette hung up, trying to mentally prepare himself the best he could.

He remembered back to when his uncle was in detox. The hospital drugged him up so bad that he could hardly function and George knew he would react differently to seeing Clay drugged up. It was for the best, though, and Clay had to get clean somehow.

The shorter boy grasped onto the keys, unlocking the car just moments before pulling the door open and climbing in. With a long sigh, the boy pulled out of the driveway and began the thirty minute journey to Clay.

George had zoned out for the entire drive, hardly realizing he had arrived. The boy parked the car, getting out quickly. His nerves had started acting up and he was absolutely terrified.

Despite his feeling if terror, he entered.

"Hello, welcome in! What's the name?" The receptionist was very cheerful and George knew she was just trying to make the best of a bad situation, but he hated her for it.

"George- I called ten minutes ago." She nodded, not even needing a last name.

"Alright you can follow me up to Clay's room, then." The brunette nodded, following slowly after the receptionist. She continued walking for a while before reaching another desk and telling another woman to show George to Clay's room. She walked before stopping just outside of room fourteen.


George couldn't help but chuckle, the number being fairly ironic. The woman pushed the door opening, gesturing for George to enter.

He took a breath in, slowly walking over to the bed he could just see the end of. His eyes widened, tears immediately beginning to form as more of Clay's body came into view.

"God dammit, I told myself I wouldnt cry." He chuckled, sitting in the chair positioned right next to Clay's hospital bed. The brunette grasped onto Dream's hand.

The taller boy was clearly very tired, his body shook against George's touch and his hair was a mess. Clay gave George a weak smile, squeezing the brunette's hand softly.

"Hey baby." Clay said, his voice raspy and much deeper than normal. "This is so much worse than I thought it would be."

George nodded, burying his face against Clay's arm.

"It is. That's why I was surprised when you said that's what you were planning on doing. My uncle couldn't even remember anything that happened while he was here." George replied, Clay giving him a nod.

"Yeah they told me I probably wouldnt remember anything. Which is weird to think about because I remember everything fine right now." The taller boy said, a silence falling over them.

George stayed with Clay for the next four hours, not leaving until he had no choice, as visitor hours had ended.

For the next twelve days, George did nothing but wake up and go see Clay. The green-eyed boy's condition was extremely inconsistent.

One day he would be wide awake and almost back to his old self, the next he would be hardly able to speak or move. It definitely took a toll on George's mental health seeing Clay in such a vulnerable position.

It was the last day, George wide awake and ready to take Clay home the next morning.

"You get to come home..." the brunette said, his voice breaking with each syllable. Clay gave him a nod.

"I'm so excited to be out of here." Clay replied. He had been completely taken off the drugs by now, and he could only remember bits and pieces of his stay, as expected. However, neither of them cared. All they cared about was that he got to come home.

"I love you so much, Clay-bear." George spoke softly, pressing his lips against Clay's cheek.

"I love you more, baby."

[A/N: Its so difficult to explain detox in a way that makes sense to people that havent ever experienced a family member going through it. Its like- a shell of them is left and they truly dont remember anything that happened because they are SO drugged up. Detox usually only lasts 10 days as well, I dont know why I made it 14 but oh well. Hope you enjoyed! <3]

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