Chapter One

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Louis POV:

I had received the call twelve minutes prior.

Harry Styles, trapped in the Royal Opera House by the secondary team.

Upon arrival, me and the primary team had swept through the first two floors, leaving the third floor.

I motioned for the primary team to follow me up the flight of stairs leading to the third level, the secondary staying behind to close off all exits.

I reached the third floor, and there he was. Languidly splayed across a table that had been set up in the center of the room, holding a prop skull.

"Hello Mr. Tomlinson," he smirked at me from his position. He was dressed as if he had attended the opera that night, he probably had.

He swung his legs so he was sitting up on the edge of the table, "if your going to capture me, I insist you do it now," he smirked wickedly at me.

"What are you trying to pull Styles," he obviously was playing a game. I didn't wan any part of it. I had been doing this long enough.

"I'm not pulling anything," he calmly stood and reached into his suit jacket.

Immediately the team pulled their guns to attention to stop his attempt to remove what could be a weapon from his jacket.

"But I do suggest, you remove your team from the building," he froze with his hand in his jacket and slowly removed it, now with a small black box in his hand.

"Why would I remove my team?" I dared a step forward, Styles not flinching.

"Because this, is a countdown," he waved about the small box, "there are explosives set up on the bottom levels, and they will blow in," he paused and looked at the box like he was thinking hard, "hmmm, would you look at that! Forty seconds!"

"Your bluffing,"

"I would never," he smirked and pocketed the box.

"Shit," I cursed the possibility of the explosives, "fall back," I ordered the team, "take secondary with you,"

Styles smirked at the prospect of being left alone.

"I'll deal with him," I added, making his smile fall. He grimaced as the team fled for the exit, leaving me and him.

"Harry, if you are bluffing, I'm going to take you in and your going to jail for the rest of your life," I started. Harry had done things like this before, placed bombs in a building. Usually he does blow them, but sometimes he doesn't. I don't think he'd blow the opera house, "if your telling the truth, we'll both be dead anyways,"

His cocky additude had slipped momentarily before he regained it, "I'm afraid it's neither of those options," he brushed at the shoulder of his suit, "here's what's going to happen. I'm going to get away as always, the buildings going to blow, and you'll live to chase after me another day," he smiled at the end, daring me to argue with him.

"You do this for the chase don't you? You enjoy this back and forth,"

"More than I should," he smiled and checked his black box.

"3...2...1," he spoke before a loud explosion was heard beneath us,"oh, look at that, not bluffing," he frowned mockingly and sat on the table again, "now, we wait."

"For what?"

"For the building to collapse," his voice not wavering once.

"Are you insane?!"

"We're all insane," we're the last words that could be heard. After he spoke the entire floor collapsed in and I watched Harry fall through before falling myself.


(A/N: so this is my new idea idk. Hope this one does better than the previous story haha. Thoughts?)

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