A New Friend

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The bell rang and it was time for lunch. "Ok I will go get us spots while you pack up your stuff. Then you can talk to me about what's on your mind." Kenma says with a little smile. "Ok sounds good. Thank you Kenma." He smiles and walks out of the classroom to go to the cafeteria.

You go back to your seat and start to pack your things in your book bag. " Y/N?? Can you please tell me what I did wrong??". You heard a manly voice from right beside you say. You look and see that it was Kurro.

You just look at him with annoyance and continue packing your things in your book bag. "Y/N....Please??" You just ignore him and continued to pack. "Please??" He says again with a little bit of a sad but frustrating tone. "What?? Huh?? What do you want to talk about??" You ask while snapping at him.

"Why are you so mad at me??" He says with frustration. You just roll your eyes and start to go to the cafeteria. "Y/N?!?!". You walk out of the classroom ignoring him. Everyone in the halls was staring at you while Kurro yelled your name.

But you just went to the cafeteria. You saw Kenma at a table with his book bag on another seat probably saving it for you. You go to him and smile. He looks at you. " What??" You say questioning why he was looking at you like that.

"What was that about??" You hear a small whisper shy tone from Kenma. "What was what about??" The person that was yelling your name." He say looking at you with frustration. "O-Oh". You look down at the floor.

" You heard that??". You ask Kenma still looking down holding that he didn't say yes. "Yeah the whole part of the hall heard you." He said while still looking at you. "O-Oh it was nothing...." You say now looking up at Kenma.

"I know that was Kurro.... Why was he yelling your name??" He looks at you with a little bit of sadness in his eyes. "I-I....U-Umm..." You stop trailing off. "Y/N?? Do you want to talk about it??". He says with a sad tone. You hesitantly nod your head.

" So what's going on??" He asked you with his body language telling you that you have his full attention. "W-Well it all started when I was in the beginning of 9th grade. I didn't have many friends and I wasn't popular. I'm still not popular. To be honest I am not really a people person but I had 3 friends. My friend that you saw at my last class I had a friend that goes to a different school and then I had...". You pause still looking at Kenma but with sadness.

He could tell that something was bothering you. You continue. " And then I had one more friend that was like Kurro. He was popular, handsome, kind, he was my best F-Friend. In 9 th grade he and I started to get closer until one day he asked me out. I said yes and we started dating." You look at Kenma.

He looks at you almost telling yoh that he thinks he knows what's coming next. "We dated for 4 years and then one day....he started changing. He wasn't spending time with me as much and he didn't seen to care as much where I went. I started to get curious why he changed so much and I started to follow him. I followed him to the park where I saw him meet up with another girl. I watched them for a little bit thinking that he was alright and that she was just a friend to him but then...."

You pause and look up almost crying. " H-He k-kissed her....I jumped up from the bush and confronted him. He was shocked and pulled away from the kiss. He didn't know that I was spying on him. I told him that I wanted to break up after I saw him kiss her. I couldn't believe that he did...we dated for 4 years and he just threw it away when he kissed her. I knew it was the right choice to break up with him and end that relationship before it got worse. It took me half a year to get over it but I am glad that I did because I don't know where I would be if I was still with him. But Kurro reminds me to much of him. I don't know what I would do if Kurro is like him. I don't want to go through that same thing again." Kenma felt bad for you and he hugged you.

Even though you could tell that he was a little uncomfortable with it but he knew that you needed it. You smiled at him and started too eat your lunch. "But what am I saying Kurro probably already had a girlfriend and he probably think that I am weird and doesn't like me." You give him a fake smile.

Kenma takes his game boy out of his book bag and hands it to you. You smile turn it on. " Try and beat my high score." He says with a smile. You give a real smile back. "Thank you Kenma."

You play the game and then someone taps you on the shoulder. "Y/N??". You hear a voice behind you say. You look at Kenma and see him just staring at the figure. You turn around and see that it's your friend. Oh hey YF/N. " How are you??" You say with a smile. She smiles back confused.

"Weren't you mad just a second ago?? In the last class??" She says confused. "Yeah but my friend Kenma cheered me up." You put your hand on Kenma's shoulder and smile at him. He smiles back.

You out the game boy down on the table and tap on the seat next to you telling your friend to sit next to you. She looks at you confused. "Friend??" She looks at Kenma. "He's your friend??"

She says while still looking at Kenma. "First you get Kurro to be your friend and now Kenma??" She looks at you and then Kenma again. "My Y/N is growing up." She looks at you with a smile. Kenma laughs and she laughs too.

"What?? What's so funny??" You say with confusion. "Well for the past year you have blocked everyone off ever since......" She trails off. You look down and know what she's taking about.

Kenma looks at you and puts a hand on your shoulder rubbing it. She looks at his motion and looks at you with a 'why and what is he doing' face.

" I told him." You said with a little bit of sadness in your voice. "Wow you really are growing up.". She laughs again. " Well Kenma is a good friend." You look back at him again.

He smiles and then picks up the game boy. "Shall we continue??" He said with a smile. "Yeah but before we do let me properly introduce you two. Kenma this is YF/N " she waves. "Nice to meet you." She says with a smile.

"YF/N this is Kenma." He slightly wave and smiles. "Nice to meet you." He says with a small smile. "Where's your new boyfriend??" She says while looking around for Kurro. "Your new boyfriend??". Kenma questions.

" N-No I don't have a new boyfriend... She is just teasing me...she meant Kurro. " You look at Kenma with a 'don't take her to serious' face.

"Ooooh. Yeah where is he???" He tags along. You look at him with a 'are you serious' face. He just laughs. Then he stops and sees Kurro from the corner of his eye standing at the cafeteria entrance looking at you with shock.

Then he looks away entering the cafeteria and sitting down at an empty lunch table. " You should go talk to him." Kenma says to you. Both your friends looked at you and then back at him.

"I will soon but for now I will try and beat your high score." You smile at Kenma and he smiles back. " You can try but you won't succeed I am to good to beat. " He says with a smile. YF/N just laughs and looks at you two while you were playing the game.

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