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The drowned-out music played softly through the doors of the bathroom. Ryung's voice felt hoarse, like she had been screaming for hours. She looked at her reflection in the mirror and felt nothing but the empty pit in her stomach gnawing away at whatever she had left in her. Ryung's long brown hair fell flawlessly below her shoulders and her expression was rigid. She looked like a wealthy businessman's daughter. She looked as if she belonged at this party. Her diamond necklace and designer dress showed no signs of a once poor girl. The tabloids called her family new money. It was a nickname acquired by the business Ryung's father created. A once impoverished family stemmed into one of the most well-known names in Korea. It was not just money that came with this lifestyle, but a duty. An obligation to strive for perfect impressions and to perform an act for the public eye. A perfect family that gained a fortune, or so society thought. 

The Lee family's party was the biggest event Ryung's family had ever been invited to. It was a symbol of how far they made it into the wealthy society, but then again, it was just one of the many occasions that came into play with the possession of money. Ryung was weary without the presence of her parents. While Ryung was faced with the wolves at the Lee house, her parents were facing lawyers. Accusations of fraud were being placed amongst her father's eyes and she was expected to build connections with people here before the news broke out. "You need to be strong. You need to get out of this bathroom and talk to people with no resent of what you know." She whispered to her reflection. 

She deeply sighed, mustering up all her courage to smile. Ryung opened the doors of the bathroom and the once muffled music played loudly through her ears. She scanned the large crowd of people. Status was these people's biggest concern. It was unimaginable to her that these people's lives had always been this way. Attending business meetings just to go to events and make even more connections. It was an endless cycle of fake laughs and toasts to make people feel like they were important. "A drink Madam?" A waiter held a tray of champagne to Ryung, breaking her out of her daze. "Keep them coming." She breathed and grabbed a glass. She wandered around the big room aimlessly looking for a target until she laid her eyes on the host. The Lee family was notorious in Korea. They were the biggest stockholders in the country and possessed a long inheritance of money. "Mr. Lee." She smiled at the older man as she approach him. "Ryung of the Yi family, I'm glad you could make it." He cordially said. "Thank you for the invitation, sir. It really is a pleasure." She shook his hand tightly. "Where are your parents? I was hoping to see your Father tonight to talk about some business matters."

Ryung paused at the question, biting the inside of her cheek. "Unfortunately they could not make it tonight. They send their thanks and regards to your family." She flashed him a sly smile and he furrowed his eyebrows. "They were unable to attend?" He asked. "I am here on their behalf tonight. You're known to hold the most extravagant parties, Mr. Lee you wouldnt want to bore it with work talk." Ryung brushed off his curiosity to which he chuckled. "You are a witty girl." He laughed. "Has your family been well?" He asked in a polite manner. Ryung bit the inside of her cheek harder as the inside of her stomach crawled with remorse. "Excellent." She gulped down the remaining liquid in her glass. He nodded to Ryung's response. "Very well then. Enjoy the rest of the evening and inquire with your father about a meeting with me soon." She watched him walk away as her heart felt painfully guilty. "I can't do this," Ryung mumbled as she spotted the waiter with champagne.

She wasn't born to hide behind a mask of lies. Ryung was born to roam free but became tied down to expectations. It was like walking on a tight rope, and that rope was about to snap. She walked toward the waiter and gave him an innocent smile as she grabbed the entire bottle on his tray, leaving green bills behind in its presence. The waiter's mouth gaped as she continued to walk past him. She escaped the room of people in a timely manner. As the door shut behind her she was able to let out a deep breath. She took a long-awaited swig out of the bottle and felt the slightest bit refreshed. As Ryung wandered through the hallways the music slowly got quieter until she couldn't hear it at all. Muffled voices neared her presence and Ryungs eyes widened. She opened the nearest door to her side and entered the room swiftly, avoiding suspicion of her wanderings. The room looked untouched and detachably minimal. 

She stumbled her way to the balcony on the far side of the room, taking another gulp from the champagne. As she opened the doors the brisk air hit her skin, making Ryung shiver. "This isn't strong enough," She mumbled to herself before taking another sip. "Thirsty?" A voice said. Ryung let out a slight scream at the sudden voice beside her. A man sat on the edge of the balcony. The moonlight hit his face, casting a shimmering light across his features. He tilted his head at Ryung as she observed him wide-eyed. "I'm sorry. I didn't know anyone would be out here." She stuttered. He sighed and looked away from Ryung to gaze at the view. "What are you doing here? The party is down the hall." She asked the man curiously while taking another sip from the bottle. "I could ask you the same thing. This is my room. What's your excuse?" He said without tearing his eyes away from the horizon. "Your room?" Ryung exclaimed. His head nodded in response as she gaped at him. "That must mean you're-" He interrupted her words. "Mark Lee."  

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