Define You

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He looked melancholy. Almost like he was about to take his last breath his eyes wandered into the unknown. He perched himself on the edge of the balcony not daring to move his gaze to Ryung, the unknown person behind him. He was more uninterested than most. He didn't seem to care for her intrusion or control her leave. He was the famous son of the Lee family, known to be the shining light of the new generation. He was a prize possession in most eyes. A young man on top of the business hierarchy, ready to claim it all after his father. Ryung was always curious about the notorious Mark Lee. He was brought up in the public eye but had yet to be involved in a scandal. He was known to keep to himself and spend his time in the office. In Ryung's eyes, it was unrealistic. He was a picture-perfect son with a gleaming life. "Why are you not at the party? Or should I say your party?"

He lightly scoffed and ignored her question. Ryung pursed her lips and took the time to sit down on the ground. The cold concrete made her shiver as she leaned back onto the house. Ryung took another gulp of the champagne as she sighed in satisfaction. "Well, you aren't missing much in there," She mumbled. Mark finally tore his eyes off the endless view of trees to face her. He was handsome. Of course, Ryung had seen him in multiple issues of Forbes magazine but seeing him in real life was different for her. His face, although possessing a cold expression, looked soft. His dark hair was pushed off his forehead allowing his entire face to be seen. The distant expression he held took away from his deep brown eyes and Ryung wondered if he knew that too. "Who are you?" He subtlety asked. His eyes were intimidating and sharp. "Ryung Yi." Her name made her feel small as she said it outloud. "Daughter of the Yi family." He muttered to himself. "New money." He raised an eyebrow at Ryung and she looked away. 

"You should be out there. This must be the biggest event your family has ever been to. The Yi business is only just growing in society, you might as well make your appearance." He said monotonous. "You should be out there. The Lee family throwing a party is not complete if only half the family is there. You might as well make your parents and everyone else proud." She shot back at him to which he furrowed his eyebrows. "Touche." He remarked. His eyes moved to the bottle Ryung was holding in her hands. "What's with the excessive drinking." He asked. "I guess you could say I'm celebrating or mourning. You pick." She rose the bottle almost in acknowledgment of him before taking another sip. His gaze went back to the horizon as if uninterested in her vague statement. "What's wrong with you?" Ryung asked intrusively in her tipsy state. "I'm to be married." He voiced. 

His eyes closed momentarily before coming off of the balcony edge. Ryung raised her eyebrows at his sudden announcement. Mark made his way beside Ryung on the ground and sighed, taking the bottle from her hands. Her filthy habit of biting the inside of her cheek was in process as she tried to think of something to say. Ryung then realized looking at the man beside her that sometimes things are better left unsaid. Mark was one of the most eligible bachelors in Korea. It was only expected that he was to be arranged in a marriage to a woman from another wealthy business in Korea."You're right, this isn't strong enough." He murmured. The pair sat in silence for a moment before Ryung turned her head to look at him. "Want to know something that will make you feel better?" 

In her tipsy state, she pondered expelling her secret out to a man she'd just met minutes ago. But that secret was to come to light soon anyway. Mark nodded at her unimpressed. "My father is going under a fraud investigation." She simply stated. A cold smile rested on Ryung's face as she watched his eyebrows raise at her. "The Yi name is soon to be frowned upon." She breathlessly said. "Then I guess both our worlds are crashing down among us," Mark said, offering back the champagne bottle. "Will we watch it crumble or hide on this balcony forever?" Ryung said looking up to the stars. "If only things could be that simple in life." He sadly said. "Are you scared to get married?"

"I've never had the freedom of making my own choices in life. I'm not scared nor upset. It's just a reminder of the system I'm locked in forever. I'll never be able to live my life; That's what scares me." He took in a deep breath and shut his eyes. Mark had never expelled his feeling like that, A sense of relief rubbed off of him as he lightly chuckled. "You're acting out of character for the heir to the Lee business," Ryung said catching his attention. "It suits you. To be honest, I mean." She continued speaking to which he shook his head. "Since we are both sharing secrets tonight I don't care if I'm out of that persona." He met Ryungs eyes, almost reassuring himself that it was okay to let go in front of her. "I assume you've never done that before," She said. "What do you mean?" He questioned. "You have never spoken your real feelings out loud before."

He ignored her remark, shrugging it off and looking up to the sky. "Are you ready for the investigation, to lose everything your family has gained?" He asked. Ryung contemplated his question for a moment before sighing. "I wasn't meant for this life. I'm not scared of losing my status or money. I'm just worried for my parents and what we will do to make a living if the investigation proves my father guilty." Her voice was low. She felt ashamed telling one of the most influential men in business her struggles. She could feel his eyes on her and she was terrified of the possible disgust on his face. Why would Mark Lee waste his night talking to a soon-to-be disgrace in society's eyes? "You know, your parent's actions are not a reflection of you." He said calmly. "They only affect you as you drag along with them. They don't define you." 

Ryung bit her lip at his words and ran a hand through her hair nervously. "Marriage doesn't define you either then," She said. Mark ignored her words and took another sip of the champagne. "Should we make the most of this last night? News of our secrets will get out by tomorrow. Both of us right now are still honestly rich and not to be married. This could be the last normal night of our lives." He proposed. Ryung squinted my eyes at the mysterious man beside her. "Nothing about this life is normal Mark," She said while standing up. "But you're right. We should make the most of it. No eager eyes or rumors are over our heads tonight." She reached her hand out to Marks. He lightly smiled for the first time and she couldn't help but do the same in contagion. Mark took her hand and stood up, brushing off his pants. "Meeting you tonight Ryung, it could be one of the most compelling things that has happened to me in a long time." 

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