chapter 3

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you know it | colony house 

"every night i know that she's still mine"

to say you were nervous for the volleyball game would be an understatement. your stomach had been twisted in knots almost all day before the game. you couldn't focus in class, couldn't bother to pay attention to what rai was saying to you during lunch. 

there was way too much pressure riding on this game.

this was your- the boys' only chance to prove themselves to keishin. furthermore, takeda had put his hopes and dreams in this team, wanting to build them from dust. kiyoko too. but their faith wasn't just in the team or in keishin. it was in you.

reliance was not something you necessarily liked to take on. sure, it was your idea to help the karasuno team get a coach. but it was a spur in the moment decision. you liked to make those. now the realization of what this all actually meant hit you like a truck.

groaning in frustration you cupped your head in your hands and uttered a loud sigh. rai stopped talking and tilted her head in confusion.

"what's up with you?"

"i'm so stressed out, rai! the karasuno boys have their practice game after school today to try and convince keishin to coach them. and honestly? i'm totally regretting suggesting this idea. what if they make a fool of themselves and point the blame at me?"

rai laughed. laughed! how could she with the insurmountable stress you were under?

"sorry, sorry!" she quickly apologized. "i don't mean to laugh at you. it's just, the idea of keishin doing anything other than yelling at customers from behind his little counter is hilarious to me! seriously though, i think he would take any excuse to get away from that little shop of his. he always seems so bored when i come around to pick you up."

you looked up at her, slowly nodding your head.

he is a bit of an asshole at work. it would make sense that he wants to do something to get away from it all. hopefully rai's right. and hopefully the boys play their best . . .


the boy with silver hair, sugawara, was waiting outside of your homeroom door when the bell signaling the end of last period rung.

"hi y/n! wanna walk with me to the gym? daichi went ahead to get the team ready, you know, being the captain and all," he began, motioning you to exit the room and follow him down the hall.

you nodded, unsure of why he waited for you instead of going with daichi. "so, you aren't in a rush i assume?"

sugawara shrugged, gazing out the window as you caught up to his side, shoes clicking on the polished floors.

"i can't say that rushing to the gym will make me feel any less nervous or any more prepared than i already feel. plus, you're really who we have to thank for this opportunity! it's only fitting that i accompany you to the gym."

you grinned, feeling welcomed by his kind thoughts and actions towards you. it wasn't every day that a good looking boy thought of you in such a respectable manner. not that you would do anything about it, not with senior year ending. not with big decisions regarding a music degree lying in the backburner of your mind.

sugawara suddenly stopped, dug in his backpack, and pulled out a piece of candy. 

"want some?" he asked with a small grin, handing you the piece.

your eyes lit up; it just so happened to be your favorite candy! one you had been craving for the longest time. "of course, i love these!"

"oh really? i grew up with them so they're my favorite too!"

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