Chapter 10 : Clash of the titans

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normal : talking


Italic : thinking / mind-conversation

BOLD : demon/some transformation's talk

underlines : narration

BOLD + underlines : song's lyrics

Y/N : Your Name

L/N : Last Name

f/c : favourite color

"" : messages

Y/N began to slowly wake up as his harem was sleeping with him. Y/N teleported to the fridge and took his dinner... only to see his harem waiting for him on the table.

Y/N : hey girls ! *embarassed laugh*

Alice : Y/N, what did I tell you ? Waking up before us isn't permitted.

Rias : Give us one good reason why we shouldn't punish you...

Y/N : I've planned... to take Asia on a small date !

Y/N's harem : ....

Y/N : I'm boned !

Alice : I mean... Asia seems fine.

Y/N's Harem : ... Understandable... have a good date.

They then leaved, but not before sending a dark glare at Y/N. Then Asia appeared near him with a smile on her face.

Asia : You're... ready ?

Y/N : Sure. And you ? I mean... it's sudden you know.

Asia : I'm ready

Eventually, both of them headed to the park and took a break there.

Y/N : Asia ? Why did you come here ?

Asia was shocked by the question, Y/N noticed that and started to regret asking it.

Y/N : I'm sorry... I shouldn't haved asked that.

Asia : It's fine...

She then tooked a deep breath before telling Y/N what happened to her.

Asia : I... never knew my parents. I was an orphan at the orphanage owned by the Church

Y/N : This poor angel got the same parent-issues as I do... Maybe not the abused part... I hope.

Asia :  I discovered my power when I was only 8 years old. I used it to help a lot of people, and many were indeed cured and no longer sick because of it, the rumours started to spread everywhere, many people kept coming to the church seeking aid from me, the church guarded me heavily and treated me well. You could even said... I was worshipped.

Y/N : Damn, I would pay a lot to also worship her.

??? : I think most people does.

Asia : But one day, I met a mortally wounded Devil who was being hunted by an Exorcist, I used my power to heal that Devil... the Devil that I had saved... then killed the Exorcist and fled

Y/N : ...thats basically : self-defence

Asia: I committed a serious sin for helping a Devil, the people who had called me a saint and worshipped me now in turn called me a Witch... then I was expelled from the church...

She then began to cry as Y/N conforted her. Once she calmed down, Y/N sighed.

Y/N : *sigh* See ? This is why I hate religion and think God doesn't exist.

Isekai-ed (betrayed & Tortured OP reader x crossover x caring & yandere Harem)Where stories live. Discover now