Chapter 57: Death Error

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My whole body suddenly broke out in a cold sweat and I felt an indescribable fear. When they opened the door at that time, they certainly thought it was foolproof and would definitely be very relaxed. It would really be unfortunate if they suddenly encountered any of the traps. And it was all because of my mistake here.

It was like I had killed them.

Even if Poker-face survived, as long as any one of them died, it was my responsibility.

I couldn't face it.

Xiao Hua responded much faster than I did and immediately jumped onto the pulley and went out of the cave. I listened to him shouting outside to deliver the news, but I knew it was too late. It had been at least three days since they entered. If something were to happen, it should have already passed.

The relaxed mood collapsed and dispersed in an instant. It felt like that moment in school where you cheated off someone during an exam and found out that the subjects were different only after handing the papers in.

I also walked out of the cave. The two of us fell into a dazed state as we sat there trembling on the cliff in terror.

Xiao Hua sent a message to the people down below, asking them to check on the situation immediately and give us feedback. But it would take at least two days for the message to reach the other side and come back.

I originally wanted to find something to comfort us, but I knew that things were very serious as soon as I thought about it. I couldn't even calm my own heart down.

The anxiety was indescribable as I sat there wanting to do something, but knowing that it was useless and everything was my fault. This kind of dark fire burning my body made it impossible to calm down.

But there was nothing to do but let it burn. Our anxiety continued on into the evening, burning up our energy until we were exhausted and looked like we were about to collapse.

On the third day, we received feedback with only a few words: "We've lost contact with them."

There was a loud buzzing in my head.

I couldn't stay any longer. Xiao Hua and I came down from the cliff and returned to the nearby village to communicate directly with the people in Banai by computer. As soon as our stuff arrived, they also realized the password was wrong and immediately sent someone in, but there was no response.

Now they had taken urgent measures and were ready to send someone in to check while we continued to wait for news.

I couldn't sleep that night. I didn't know if it was because I hadn't slept in a bed for too long or because of my anxiety. The next day, there was still no news, and even the people who went in to check didn't come out.

I buried my face in my hands, knowing there couldn't be any good news.

We continued waiting as the third, fourth, fifth, and sixth days passed. By the end of the week, I knew something had happened, but I kept asking the other party to give me news every day anyways. The whole situation was desperate.

Xiao Hua patted me and said, "Don't lie to yourself. Something must have happened inside."

I had never been so overwhelmed. If it was a normal situation, I could calm myself down because I had Poker-face and Fatty around me. But now I was suddenly all alone.

I thought of the many times I had been trapped and in danger with them. Whether it was in the Seven Star Lu palace, at the bottom of the sea, or in Changbai mountain, I had never felt so anxious. But now....

I couldn't stay here any longer and immediately made a decision—I would go to the Guangxi site.

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