Chapter 13: Huo Xiuxiu

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Fatty brought the carving table up and swung it to the left and right. The two men didn't react in time and were immediately smacked away. The sound of the table hitting flesh was terrible, and the two men fell to the ground and were silent.

I thought of Fatty fighting the sea monkey in the undersea tomb. Sea monkeys couldn't be killed because their rough skin and thick meat protected them, but people could. I immediately worried about somebody dying and shouted at Fatty, "Easy!" But he was completely deaf to my plea and practically rushed at the security guards. The security guards were also mentally prepared and simply swung their batons up to meet Fatty's swing. Fatty didn't hide at all; he clenched his teeth and let his head get knocked six or seven times while he smacked them to the ground one by one. Soon, they were all laid out, and the carving table cracked.

After all that noise, the scene quieted down. Fatty gasped and looked at the Huo family who had just encircled him. Everyone retreated a few steps until their backs hit the wall. He looked at the broken bowls and chopsticks on the ground and took out half a bottle of Maotai they had just drunk. The bottle was broken, but there was still a little on the bottom that hadn't been spilled. He took a sip, spat out the glass fragments inside, and motioned with his hand to me, "Let's go!"

I grabbed a stool, Fatty put the carving table on his shoulder, and I nodded to Granny Huo on one side: "Madam, I'm leaving. I'll visit you another day." I followed Fatty, kicked away those groaning on the ground, and walked out of the box and downstairs.

Truthfully, I didn't know the pleasure of fighting before, but it was really exciting to knock all those people down and then walk away as everyone watched with frightened eyes. I immediately understood why so many people liked to be villains.

When I came downstairs, the glass cabinet with the seal had been broken and the thing inside had been taken out. Poker-face was looking at the seal carefully and had no intention of leaving. Pink Shirt was getting up from the ground, clutching his neck and coughing. It appeared he had already been beaten once.

When we walked past him, however, we saw him coughing, smiling, and looking at us as if he were very happy. I went up to the stage and told Poker-face to take the seal and get away quickly. As soon as I turned around, I saw Pink Shirt approach me and say, "Hey, Brother."

Fatty and I looked at him. Fatty lifted the table and Pink Shirt immediately waved, "Wait, wait!" He took a business card from his pocket, handed it to us, and pointed to the imperial seal. "I won't stop you. Here's my contact information. When you want to sell the stolen goods, call me."

Damn it, I said to myself, definitely not a serious person. Fatty actually went up and took the business card, and Pink Shirt made a gesture of invitation. I was so anxious that I pushed them aside and rushed out.

When we left the entrance of the hotel, the outside was full of waiters and security guards. Even the security guards in the parking lot had come. They all made way when we pretended to smash the jade seal, and then we fled.

Our physical strength was a little overdrawn. After running for several blocks, we were so tired that we were panting and our feet were weak, but we could see someone following us from a distance. These people had mixed social backgrounds and were all very skillful. Fatty said that it had to be more than that. Liuli Sun's group also wasn't easy to handle, and they hadn't made any moves just now. They must have been waiting for the Huos and the hotel staff to take us out.

As we stood there gasping in front of a newsstand, Fatty said that we should split up, but I disagreed. I wasn't familiar with Beijing, not to mention Little Brother. I was afraid I'd have to check the homeless shelters every few days just to find him. And they wouldn't dare attack us now because we had the goods. If we were separated, those who didn't have the goods would certainly suffer.

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