134 : decision II

18 1 0

he sat down on the couch and cleared his throat.
his eyes blinked up and down over my body;
and with a sigh of exasperation and release...

"the answer is no"

five months of pain and love and remembrance and heartache flickered through my mind. the good and the bad harmonized in symphonic melodies. the sad notes of the piano rung out clear as day.

"i expected it. but it still hurts to hear."

"what took you so long?"

his eyes flickered. he held his breath.

"if you're an indecisive person, your only choice is to say no so you don't make a mistake."

so this is our goodbye.
i hope your future wife asks about the
shred of colorful towel in your wallet.

07.04.20 - 12.19.20

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