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(Y/n) stared helplessly, tears brimming the corners of her (E/c) eyes

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(Y/n) stared helplessly, tears brimming the corners of her (E/c) eyes. her body trembled with fright. god this was so beyond pathetic. she was a FairyTail wizard! yet here she was cowering in the farthest corner of the guild hall.

she watched as Thibault threw Matser Maco back hurling him into the shelves of glassed beverages that would undoubtedly cut his skin open. Kinana ran to her master's aid, helping him up.

(Y/n)'s attention shifted to the rest of her guild mates who stood bravely in the face of Twilight Ogre; ready to avenge their fallen master.

her ears stung painfully hearing those low excuses of human beings throw nasty remarks towards her friends and family. "FairyTail stand down!" Maco yelled, to which said wizards obeyed; hesitance laced their frigid bodies.

Twilight Ogre's master was demanding the payment of rent- but with the diminished reputation FairyTail had to work with, little to no jobs were offered. it was getting harder and harder to earn an honest living at this point. (Y/n) would consider herself lucky to take on even two jobs.

Maco tried negotiating with those rowdy assholes but all they did was laugh in his face- breaking and destroying every last bit of the building. chairs were thrown, tables were smashed, cups and silverware were broken.

(Y/n) really wanted nothing more than to squish those Twilight wizards to the ground; as hard as she could try her body just wouldn't budge.

her anxiety forced her down.

frozen in place, she was practically useless. and Sting said she was the powerful one- out of his mind.

the place turned into a dump within a matter of 3 minutes.

"one more month." Thibault spat, looking down at Maco with an ugly sadistic grin. and with that, the boys exited the large doors; leaving FairyTail with their trashed dump of a guild hall.

"i'm sorry, Master." (Y/n) apologized, her eyes twinkled in a sheen cover of tears. "i don't know why i just stood there i-"

the old man cut her off with a pitying laugh, "it's alright, (Y/n). you did all you could do."

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