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it had been about a month since the missing FairyTail members were back, a month had passed and it felt like those long seven years were nothing but a bad dream to (Y/n)

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it had been about a month since the missing FairyTail members were back, a month had passed and it felt like those long seven years were nothing but a bad dream to (Y/n).

the girl's personality had changed drastically since her friends came. she went from that tired, miserable looking girl to a joyful, pure young woman. her once frail body now glowing with health.

one would say she was at the very peak of her life now. her friends and family returned- her guild is thriving and her once diminished charm and beauty were back in her possession.

you'd expect her to be as happy as ever? well that was only the half truth.

in all honesty, she missed Rogue and Sting to the bone; she had always hung out with them every now and then (of course with their occasional begging for her to leave FairyTail.)

she had missed Sting's tomfoolery more so than ever. yes he used to make fun of her and tease her to no end. yes he was very much annoying. and yes he used to spoil her with the type of attention (Y/n) loathed; but his routine in harassing her had become a part of her norm and the sudden lack of Sting's nasty remarks and dirty jokes had left her with a very wearisome feeling.

the last she heard of his name was the news of his acceptance to Sabertooth, she had heard the townsfolk speak of 5 new wizards joining the top guild, amongst them were Sting and Rogue. (Y/n) had expected him to write her a letter or something to update her on his life- she expected at least Rogue to do it if Sting didn't.

but no, nothing.

absolutely nothing.

she handing heard a single peep from them which was very much bothersome. Sting and Rogue weren't the type to just simply abandon friends. she knew them better than anyone else; they were her best friends! and yet, it felt as though they had never existed, like they had vanished off the face of the earth.

was this some kind of sick joke the universe was playing on her exhausted soul?

can she only have one side when she needed both equally as much as the other?

it pained her, truly.

"why so down, (Y/n)?" Mira's sweet, honey drenched voice filled the dazed girl's ears pleasantly. "you look sad."

"it's nothing, Mira! just thinking is all." she shook her head to rid herself of their thought. a happy smile tugged her lips.

her white haired friend sent a smile back, holding up a bottle of (Y/n)'s favorite beverage. "care for a drink? i know it's your favorite~" she sang, taking two cups and setting them down on the bar's wooden table.

(L/n) nodded in response, "sure, but that isn't my favorite drink Mira!" she laughed loudly. "at least not any more."

older Mira sighed, sadness lacing her pretty features. "i really missed your entire life, haven't i, (Y/n)?"

"aww," the (H/c) haired female sent her a pitiful smile. "it's okay Mira we still have the rest of our lives to get close to each other like we used to and more."

"i guess..." a single tear slipped down Mira's white cheek, freaking (Y/n) out and rushing to comfort her.

she was in the middle of calming her friend down when she heard Natsu questioning Romeo from a few seats back.

"who's Sabertooth again?" he asked uninterestedly.

"they're incredibly strong! like majorly." the younger fire wizard informed. "they surpassed Blue Pegasus and Lamia Scale a while back so now they're the strongest wizard guild around."

Gray, who joined in on the conversation, raised a confused brow. "i've never heard of them till today."

"that's because seven years ago nobody had heard of them." (Y/n) replied, taking a seat next to Natsu and Lucy.

"then what?" Gray pressed, setting his hand on his hip in slight anger at this said Sabertooth who had took FairyTail's righteous spot. "they started growing like crazy all of a sudden?" at this point, the whole guild was in on this.

"it started once they got a new master." Max explained. "after he took over five incredibly strong wizards joined and that was all she wrote."

Lucy's eyes grew with shock, "wow! five new members made that much of a difference?!" attention shifted to Natsu who's smile turned into a ready grin. "sounds like these guys have some serious guts!" his green eyes shimmered at the idea of perhaps fighting one of them- scratch that, all of them.

the naive Wendy skipped to stand next to Lucy and (Y/n). "if they're the number one guild in Fiore, does that mean FairyTail's number two?" she asked with a huge and hopeful smile plastered across her face.

Happy facepalmed at her question. "are you serious?" a nervous laugh left (Y/n)'s lips. "Wendy take a look around you.."

"we're dead last." Romeo shrugged.

"they call us wimpy fail." Alzack added.

Natsu laughed confidently from his chair, his head falling back. "wow we're in last place?! that's perfect! this is gonna be fun."

(Y/n), slightly annoyed with his words, pouted her lips. "for who, Natsu?!" the dragon slayer grinned, jumping from his seat and shaking the poor girl by the shoulders. "just think about it, (N/n)! it's gonna be awesome crawling our way back up to the top all over again!"

"th-the top..." the girl whispered under her breath. her (e/c) shined with hope, staring up at Natsu's determined expression. "i cant wait!" he laughed.

"of course you can't..." she smiled up at him. "there's just no holding you down you, Dragneel."


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