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"he said no way in hell." Thibault's ugly grin grew as terror showed itself on Matser Maco's face. "you better pay up cause our master wants his money and you know he always gets what he wants."

back were Twilight Ogre to disturb FairyTail for payments. ugh this was getting old- why couldn't they just fuck off, if the guild knew how much they would ask for they wouldn't have accepted their help in the first place.

Romeo slammed his book closed, his glare hard in their direction. "screw your master." he spat.

"watch it Romeo." Maco warned, his frown deepening. "you're not getting any money from us today." the young boy continued, ignoring his father altogether.

"i suggest you drop the attitude brat."

Romeo lifted his hand slightly, a magic circle glowed from his hands. a deep, galactic purple. "you maybe able to boss dad and the others around cause they're scared of standing up to you." the young boy's face twisted into a furious scowl.

(Y/n)'s heartbeat increased, this isn't going to end well... Romeo was like a little brother to her- and if they so much as lay a finger on him she wouldn't be able to handle it.

Romeo's hand ignited into a purple flame. "if they won't i will! i won't let you disgrace FairyTail's good name"


"stupid kid!" the guild members called him from behind, but he couldn't care less.

"hate to tell ya," Thibault blowed Romeo's fire out. "but the name has already been disgraced." he reached for the metal bat that rested on his back and swung for the young wizard's head.

the bat would've undoubtedly smashed his skull open- but it never touched him. Romeo and the rest of FairyTail watched in disbelief as (Y/n) kicked the grown man right in his ugly, smug face. using her magic, she sent the spiky metal bat flying against the wall.

her expression was unreadable. face as stoic as ever- which sent chills down Romeo's spine when he took a good look at her. cold as ice; almost as chilling as Erza.


it was like something out of a book! they had never seen (Y/n) so calm and so in control; they weren't sure if this was the same girl who was cowering with fear in the farthest corner just one day ago. it was as if her body moved on its own. however, the adrenaline rush was gone as soon as it came. (Y/n), now snapped out of her trance, pulled Romeo behind her- wanting to stretch out the confidence boost that had just occurred but only for failure. the girl was shaking when her (E/c) eyes met Thibault's anger filled ones.

"there no way a fairy could ever beat me!" the Twilight Ogre wizard came running for (Y/n) only to be punched in the face.

not by her, not by Romeo, not by Maco.

gasps and screams of disbelief filled the guild hall- (Y/n)'s eyes watered in the light as they fell upon non other Natsu's pink hair.

the rest of the "Ogres" were taken care of by the rest of the presumed missing Fairies.

(Y/n)'s head shook in denial, but as soon as Natsu grinned that stupid, adorable grin of his she fell to her knees; finally letting out what she had trapped inside of her for so long.

"look who's back!"

"sorry to keep you waiting for so long!"

"sorry to keep you waiting for so long!"

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