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"hey wait!" Lucy yelled, "you two are gonna fight right now?!" she thought these idiots were kidding- and yet here they are warming up for a sparring match

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"hey wait!" Lucy yelled, "you two are gonna fight right now?!" she thought these idiots were kidding- and yet here they are warming up for a sparring match.

"sounds like a plan to me!" (Y/n) gave her the thumbs up, "it's perfect weather for a little outdoor sparring match." she smirked, cracking her fists and turned to Natsu. "dont'cha think?"

"yeah! now i've got a fire in my belly!" the pink haired dragon slayer smiled, ready to throw-down with non other than (Y/n) herself. he was excited to see how much her magic power had grown. Natsu was also a perfect match for (Y/n), for the both of said wizards really aren't the best at planning ahead in fights. this battle would be a pure test of magic power.

"here i come!" Natsu warned, igniting his fists into scorching red flames. "hit me with it, Dragneel!" (Y/n) challenged.

as soon as he was close enough, she extended her arm out and a huge surge of magic energy sent Natsu hurling back- she still hadn't even moved in place yet.

Max, Jet and Dory cheered from the sidelines for her; quite proud knowing they were the ones who trained her this well. (mostly- they couldn't take all credit.)

Natsu's eyes were huge, his mouth agape in disbelief. "what?!" last time he had seen her, (Y/n) wasn't nearly as skilled. don't get me wrong, her magic isn't the greatest. certainly not one of the best in FairyTail- but she would consider her magic in the top 10. excluding her horrible techniques and strategies of course.

"you really think we just sat around and did nothing the whole time you guys were gone?" Max asked, he then turned to (Y/n) nodding.

"we've all been working on our own magic!" she smiled, "especially me." and with that, the gravity wizard sent another wave his way- this time one that pressed Natsu's poor body into ground; not enough to crush his bones but just to give him a little sting.

"i don't believe it..." Wendy gasped. "Natsu is getting schooled by (Y/n)?!" Lucy added.

"well it ain't over yet!" the stubborn man ignored Lucy's comment and came running back for more; he punched and kicked all at a random pace, to which (Y/n) happily countered.

when Natsu came flying for a kick, the female wizard swiftly tapped his sandals and two magic circles glowed a bright lime beneath him- he 'woah'ed and 'wah'ed feeling his body become lighter and lighter with every passing second; and with no control over his own form, Natsu could do nothing as he arose high into the air.

(Y/n) followed him up and with a kick to his back, she sent him pitching into the ground face-first.

"i did it!" the (H/c) haired woman jumped up and down, joy showcasing itself upon her pretty features- she turned to Lucy and Wendy "i did it!"

"you did it!" her celestial wizard friend congratulated her on her small victory, still quite shocked.

"wow Natsu you really lost your touch." Happy pocked his partner's cheek with a wooden stick he had found. "you should probably practice a bit more before you throw yourself into a real fight."

Wendy turned to look up at (L/n). "i never knew you were such a good fighter, (Y/n)!"

she was about to thank her young guild mate when Gray, from atop a small hill nearby, called them over. "listen up guys, i'm afraid the guild's got a serious problem on our hands," he began. "Gildarts and Laxus are still powerhouses but no one else has been kept up strength wise."

"Laxus is a mitochondria." (Y/n) giggled.

Gray smiled but ignored her little joke and continued with his concerns over the power of the FairyTail guild. "a lot of us -most of us actually- were asleep for seven years while everyone here was training."

"yeah, you've got a point..." Lucy agreed. "i mean Natsu really got shown up by (Y/n) of all people."

"what's that supposed to mean, Lucy?"

"nothing, nothing!"

"nothing, nothing!"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2020 ⏰

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