{26} Careful

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Due to Alex's return, we decided to go through different streets. Through alleys I've never seen before, places I didn't even know they existed. 'The Underworld', as Alex calls it. That's where we belong.

The night was threatening my restricted time. I had to say goodbye to John. Walking through these new roads, made me fall in love with this new world. So mysterious. So attractive.

Crimes were walking side my side, like a strong chain. Their confidence was so powerful. They are powerful themselves.

The people around were staring at us. People with different personalities, different nationalities, different beliefs, different sexualities, were smoking and looking at us from the around sidewalks. The smell of cigarettes and drugs was so intense that made my nose twitch. The feeling that dark souls were observing you made you shiver. The buildings were either crudely made, or old, or.. partly remained. Even the roads were damaged.

We entered a bar, opening the door forcefully. As soon as the barman saw us getting inside, one by one, he got up quickly as if his blood froze. He knew us. Everyone in this region seemed to know the name "Crimes".

«We'll behave.» Alex told him with a smirk and passed by him.

He was observing us silently.

We rested our bodies on the bar counter. The sound of glasses and bottles was constant.

I was scanning the whole place. The barman was doing his job, spreading glasses with alcohol to the people. The majority of the crowd was males, who had replaced their oxygen in their lungs with a fog of nicotine.

«Why are we here?» I asked.

«Because we haven't come in a while.» Alex answers and takes a sip of his drink.

We were talking, when suddenly a loud sound came from outside. Everyone automatically turned and looked that way. The window of the shop turned into million glass pieces and was now spread on the floor in front of us.

«No.. not again!» screamed the worker upset and walked away scared.

Some people started running frightened while others were simply sitting and observing. Their voices were so loud and mixed that made you worry.

«What happened?» I shouted to be heard.

Alex slightly laughed.

«Now is when the fun begins.» he replied and stood up. He was looking at the disaster as if it was some kind of person he had fallen in love with.

Crimes were looking at him, like they were waiting for a command. He nodded and suddenly they all stood up and followed him outside.

I followed and saw policemen attacking the place. They were throwing teargases to the crowds to make them leave, but they were attacking them back.

«Why are they attacking?» Steph asked.

«They have their.. reasons.» I heard Mario's voice. Crimes looked at each other.

«Let's go.» Alex nodded us to follow him in a dark corner.

We moved there and Mario opened the black back pack he always carried with him, in case of an emergency, like this one. It contained explosives, molotov and masks for cover.

We took everything we needed and started heading to the real chaos.

«There aren't many of them, spread around to surround them.» Alex said and prepared the explosives. He moved closer to them.

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