"You can do that, while Luke and I try not to get killed" | Chapter 1

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Charles Chaplain’s P.O.V

“Luke, are you coming?” I ask staring down at my phone, “Yes!” he runs down the stairs, “Alex?” “No.” he growls. I’m Charles Chaplain; I have 3 siblings, a younger brother named Luke an older sister named Caroline and a twin brother, Alexander. People around town mostly know us as, the richest family in town. I'm not as vain as you think i may be.

“What’s wrong with Alexander?” Luke asks sitting in the car, “I have no clue; Cece probably broke up with him” I laugh pulling out of the driveway. “What number was it again?” I ask Luke sitting next to me, “72 Mount view Terrace”. We drive to our little cousin’s house and pick her up.

“I still can’t believe that our parents just leave us on the most dangerous night of the year” Zoella says hopping into the car. “Oh c’mon it’s not that bad, we’ve done this since we were like 10” Luke says. “Yeah, and plus you get to hang out with your favourite cousins in the world” I say cheekily. “You guys are my only cousins in the world” she says sassily, “Speaking of cousins, where is Alex?” “He didn’t want to come” Luke says. “Yeah, he’s always grumpy on Purge night” I say, “Well I don’t blame him this night is a living hell” Zoe says.

We get to school and park right next to Alex’s car, “At least he went to school today” Zoe says, “He has to, to protect his little princess” I say as I see Alex and Cecelia walk past. I walk through the doors of school and the whole hallway and everyone is talking about The Purge tonight, I already know, shits going down tonight.

“So, what are we doing tonight?” Zoe asks, “Well, we’re going out” “What!” she gasps stopping me, “We’re going out to help people if they are in trouble”. “You can do that, while Luke and I try not to get killed” she says smiling and walking off to her friends that I’m surprised she has because she is quite weird.

I walk down the hallway with Luke and I can hear everyone talking about the Purge tonight and how they’re going to kill people just trying to sound tough and cool but in reality they would be to pussy to even pick a deadly weapon. I keep listening to people when Luke waves his hand in front of the face “Oi, are you even listening to me?” “Uh, obviously not” I say staring blanking at him.

“Well I was just saying that I have to go right now” “Luke, you don’t have to tell me when you leave, dickhead just leave” “Sorry, fine I will leave then” he says walking away. Gosh that boy, I swear I’m the only normal one in this whole family.

Katherine Quinn’s P.O.V

“Hurry up, Rose!” I scream from the bottom of the stairs, “Coming!” she yells back, “Are you driving?” she asks, “Yes, Rose I am, now get in the car” I say walking out the door.

I’m Katherine Quinn, I have a twin sister. She’s always been the lucky one or the golden child as some would call it. I just hope nothing happens tonight, considering she could die. Sometimes I hate being Rose’s twin because, I feel like I have to protect her from everything coming and because my mums no longer with us, she can’t be much help. Did I mention, tonight is the 50th annual Purge, you have the right to kill anyone with any unfinished business, and it’s quite disgusting.

We start driving to school and Rose starts talking “Ok now Katherine, you promised me you aren’t going to do anything tonight and we’re going to stay at home with Aunt Jenna and Rose. Got it?” “First off you’re not my mother and second I don’t have to promise anything” I say still keeping my eyes on the road. “Katherine! It happened ages ago, why can’t you just let it go?” Rose starts raise her voice. “She killed my boyfriend! And you just think I can move on” I argue back.

“Just keep your eyes on the road and we will talk about this later” she says sighing. She is so annoying! She thinks she can control me, I know she’s only looking out for me but can she do it in a less annoying way.

Just as she was about to take a sip of her drink I take a sharp turn and park in the school parking lot, making her spill her drink all over her. “Oops” I say turning the car off. “Katherine! Can you be any more immature?” “Why can’t you just move on?” I ask sarcastically and walk off into the school grounds. I walk down the hall and there she is the one that ruined my life, Cecelia Butera.

Rose Quinn’s P.O.V

I run into the school grounds trying not to be seen by anyone because of my stupid bitch of a sister for spilling my drink all over me. I rush into the toilets not even thinking and start wiping my top with the paper towels but it is not coming off at all.“Shit!” I curse to myself but then I remember that I left a top in my bag and pulled it out. I took my shirt off when I hear, “It’s not very lady like to swear” I scream and grab my shirt and throw it over my head before he seen anything that he shouldn’t have but I think that has already happened.

“It’s also not very lady like to get dressed right in front of a complete stranger” he says smirking. “One, I’m allowed to swear if I want to and two, I didn’t know that you were there and you’re not a complete stranger” I say looking down at the ground. “Oh, so you do know who I am” he says smirking. “Of course I do, we’ve been in the same grade since like pre-school and you’re one of the richest kids in town” I say walking out and realising I ran into the boys toilets, I’m so stupid.

“Hey! Rose” Charles calls “Yeah?” “I’m not as much of a dick as people say I am” “So you’re not an asshole?” “Oh no, I definitely am just not as much as people say” “Dickhead” I mumble to myself before turning away. “Oh and Rose?” “Yes, Charles?” “Be safe ok?” “Yeah, you too” I saying walking away. Just when I think I had forgotten that horrid night it comes right back. I start to walk into my class and trying to listen to what the teacher but all I can think of is what has to come tonight.

Later that day……

I jump in the car and don’t talk to my sister the whole car ride. Once we got home I jumped straight out the car and ran inside not even acknowledging my Aunt Jenna and my cousin Emily.

“What’s wrong?” Aunt Jenna asks, “Katherine completely embarrassed me today and she won’t get over her stupid problem with her now ex-boyfriend!” I scream storming into my room and slamming the door.

It’s 10 to 7, 10 minutes until everyone starts killing eachother, I can honestly admit, I’m freaking out. I’ve always been the nice twin sister, I was what most families would call, the golden child, but I didn’t like rubbing that in Katherine’s face considering she could easily kill me. I never liked hurting people, or making people feel bad, the reason being that’s just me and I don’t like the fact that people would want to kill me for things I did to them. I stare down at my phone.

The Purge Announcement

Hello, and welcome to the 2015 Purge, this year is going to be quite different, since it’s the 50th year the Purge has been happening we’re going to change things up, instead of 12 hours of nuisance, it’s officially 24 hours. Be safe. And may god be with you all..

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Thank you for reading, we really appreciate it. This is our first ever book published so please dont judge. If you liked it, please keep reading because its going to get better, I swear. Please leave us feedback in the comment as well, :) 

Peace from Lala and Dipsy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

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