"You want to be a man?" Katherine asks. | Chapter 3

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Rosemary Quin’s P.O.V

My eyes start to flutter open, all that I can remember was how much pain I’m in and the fire igniting around me, “Hey, she’s waking up” Zoe says smiling down at me.

“Ok don’t have to smother her. She already nearly died” Charles says to Zoe. I try to sit up but Zoe gently pushes me back down telling me to take it easy. I lay back down and look around at the giant house I’m in right now.

“Pretty big, huh?” Luke says (*A/N* don’t even think about it) walking into the living room and sitting down.

“Yeah, it’s beautiful” I say breathless.

“What the fuck happened to your house?” Charles asks me.

“It’s a long story and very complicated” I say still in a lot of pain.

“Well we can listen” they all say in unison, sitting in front of me and ready to listen.

“Fine” I sigh. "Well first off, Katherine's trying to kill my best friend Cecilia" I start to tell them everything that happened and the looks on Zoe’s face were actually quite amusing.

“Your sister is a psychopath” Zoe and Luke say at the same time.

“Yeah, a bit” I say staring at the ground.

“Pfft, I’ve seen worse” Charles says obviously trying to act tough.

“Righto, Mr Tough Guy” Luke scoffs.

“Just because you’re a little pussy!” Charles starts to raise his voice.

“No I’m not! I just know what and what not to do” he says glaring at his brother.

“No you’re just scared. Scared of everything” Charles argues.

“I’m not scared!!!” Luke screams at his brother.

“Go outside then. If you’re not scared, If you think you’re a man. Go!” Charles says walking upstairs. Luke starts to walk towards the door when I yell out, “Luke!”

“Look Rose, you seem like a nice girl but I really have to go” Luke says with his hand on the doorknob.

“You don’t have to do this” I say trying to convince him a much as possible.

“Yeah, Luke don’t go” Zoe adds from behind me.

“Bye guys” Luke says walking out of the house and into god knows what. After about 20 minutes Charles walks into the living room, looing not as angry as he was before.

“Where’s Luke? Crying in his room?” he says before sitting down next to me.

“No, he left the house you idiot!” she yells at him before throwing a cushion at him.

“What? Why did he do that?” he asks confused.

“Because you told him to, dickhead! You dared him and he took that dare seriously” Zoe says sternly.

“I didn’t mean to, I was just angry. Fuck!” Charles yells making me jump a bit. “Well we better go get him before he gets himself killed” We all leave the house and begin searching for Luke.

Luke Chaplain’s P.O.V

So I just left home and I’m actually scared shitless. I don’t know where to go or what to do, all I was thinking at the time was to prove my brother wrong and now I think I’m going to die. I start walking around the neighbourhood when I see Rose walking around the streets.

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