•The Burrow•

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Chapter 17

I had apparated to the Weasleys house. The only place where I knew that I would feel safe and welcomed. I was right.

The Weasleys welcomed me into their home like a long lost daughter. They lent me one of their sons rooms who was currently in Egypt, and gave me all the hospitality I could have wished for.

In the morning at breakfast, the air was thick with sorrow. Obviously I still felt sick to the stomach every time someone brought up the events that happened only 12 hours ago. My heart was broken, and I was still very unsure of what the future held for me. I was yet to mention to my hosts that Voldemort was after me, because that was sure to make the mood soar even lower.


"Stella? Hey, Stella? Are you alright?"

I snapped out of my daydreaming, to look up at the voice who had called my name. Fred Weasley. Jokester. Prankster. What ever you want to call him, he was checking up on me.

"What? Oh- uh- yeah. Just thinking." I smiled softly at him, I simply did not have the energy to make any more effort. He smiled back at me, a bit unsure at first, then he smiled wider.

"Do you want to go and talk? You know- we - uh- it's up to you, really. But I just thought-"

"That would be nice actually." I smiled, and relief flushed over his face.

Fred got up from his seat at the table, and I followed right behind him. Molly didn't ask any questions, but I'm sure she understands. I followed him out the door of the house, out into the garden, and under a big shady tree in the back.

"So, tell me what's on that pretty mind of yours."

I bit my lip in order to keep back a laugh. Looking up at Fred, seeing how relaxed he was and what a cheerful person he was really made me rethink my relationship with Draco. I mean Fred is extremely talented and funny and not to mention his strikingly good looks.

"Stella? Anyone home?" Fred's attractive laugh rang through the trees, and I stopped my thinking. He had my full attention, and now I wanted to have his.

"Sorry, I was just-" I sighed. "Thinking."

"About what?" He asked, closing his eyes and leaning back against the tree trunk. He put his hands behind his head, and god his muscles.

"Everything." I sighed again, following Fred's lead and leaning back against the tree.

"Mnm." He hummed. "Tell me Stella. No need to be afraid."

"I'm just so confused Fred. I found out that You Know Who is after me, and then I ran away into the forest, only to have Draco say that he never loved me, but then help me escape and I-"

"Woah. Slow down." He was sitting up now. "Are we just going to skip over the fact that You Know Who is after you? That's serious, I think we should tell-"

"No. Please no. Not yet at least."

"As soon as we get back I will tell mum and we can work something out alright. We'll lock down the place more or-"

"Fred. Please, just shut up." I smiled.

He looked at me with a confused expression, and then smiled shyly.

"As you wish." He laughed.

"Oh and one more thing. Kiss me. I want you to kiss me Fred Weasley."

He hesitated for a second, then leant down to my eye level. He looked me in the eyes, seeking reassurance, I nodded.

Fred's lips were soft and sweet, his touch gentle. He was trying to be careful with me, as if I were so fragile I would break under his touch. I admired this because unlike Draco, who's touch was angry and hurtful, I felt a sense of comfort.

Fred and I had decided not to speak of what happened begin the tree until we were ready.
Maybe we would never speak of it again, and I was okay with that.

The next few weeks were hard. Things were getting worse and the house was half empty. Molly was worried sick, and to be honest so was I.

We were listening to the radio actively to find out any news that we could, and the order were taking extra precautions to try and keep me safe. But suspiciously no one came for me. Maybe they didn't need me, maybe they didn't know where I was, or maybe this was all part of their plan.

Arrogant; Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now