chapter 2

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The next morning as I walk up the Molina's house, I hear Julie. Singing. Julie's finally singing again! I catch the end of the song –

time to come out of the dark,

wake up,

mhm wake up

I run past the house and head towards the studio, and surprisingly see the guys standing outside.

"What are you still doing here?" I ask.

"We talked to Julie after you left, and she's letting us stay," Luke says.

"Oh! And I get the shower!" Reggie says.

"Sweet," I giggle.

Before I could say anything else, Flynn and Julie walk out of the studio. Julie and I wave goodbye to the boys, and head off to school.

Flynn had a class before school, so Julie and I went by our lockers before first period. "You let them stay?" "Yeah, they're not so bad. I was just having a bad day." "No worries Jules. I think this can be good for you."

The bell rings and I say goodbye to Julie, then walk to my first period class. I couldn't focus, my mind wandering as to how the boys got here, why they were here, and where they came from. The day was going by pretty quickly, and before I knew it it was time for the spirit assembly. I walk to the gym and go over to where Julie's standing, right as the boys poof in.

"What are you doing here?" Julie asks. "We came to see you stick it to the man, right boys?" Luke says. "Stick it to the man?" I ask. "I may or be not be performing unannounced to try and get my spot back in the music program" Julie says quickly.

"Oh my God Julie! Yes!" I say excitedly.

"Yeah, Luke gave me the idea."

"You look a little nervous," Alex chimes in, "Like yak in a bowl nervous."

While the five of us are talking, Dirty Candy are performing, led by none other than Carrie Wilson, certified bitch of Los Feliz High School. The three of us used to be best friends, but she completely changed right before Julie's mom died, and made it her mission to make our lives a living hell.

"Jules, you got this" I turn towards her.

"Yeah, now's your time!" Reggie says as Dirty Candy finishes.

Julie runs up the stairs towards the stage, and I can't help but feel nervous too. Luke must have noticed because he turns towards me and says "She'll be fine alright, don't worry." I give him a small smile and turn my attention towards Principal Lessa, who's giving a few closing announcements. I see Julie sit by the keyboard on the stage, but she hesitates to start playing. C'mon Jules. You got this.

Everyone starts to leave, but stop as Julie starts to play and sing.

Sometimes I think,

I'm falling down,

I wanna cry,

I'm calling out,

for one more try, to feel alive.

And when I feel, lost and alone,

I know that I, can make it home.

Fight through the dark,

and find the spark.

Life is a risk but I will take it

Close my eyes and jump

Together I think that we can make it,

come on let's run

"She's doing it!" I say, but get no response from the guys. I turn to see they're gone. At that moment, they appear on stage with their instruments, and begin to play with Julie.

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