chapter 4

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"Guys! Do you know what this means? Riley and I can totally make a handshake now!" Reggie says. "Yeah, okay Reg." Alex says, shaking his head. "Can she even touch you guys?" Julie asks. I get off the couch and move towards Alex and Reggie. I reach out and touch their shoulders, my hands not going through. 

"This is just too weird. Are we sure I'm not dead?" I say.  "Yes, we're sure," Luke says coming up behind me. "Why should we even stress about it? This is awesome!"

"Hey Luke remember what I said yesterday about how I hate change? This is a big freaking change man!" Alex says. 

"Alex, don't worry, we'll figure it out soon." Julie says. "Ry, I almost forgot! Flynn knows about the guys." "So you two made up?" I ask. "Yes, yes we did" Flynn answers for her as she walks into the studio. "And guess what, I just got you guys a gig at the dance this Friday." she says proudly. 

"Flynn what! We don't even have anything prepared!" Julie says. "I have some old songs we can use, but I have to tweak them later," Luke says. "I can help if you want," I say as I look him. He smiles at me and nods, making my heart flutter just a little. 

"Ooh show us some!" Julie says. Luke pulls out his journal and rips a piece of paper out frustratedly. "Home is where my horse is. Reggie, stop putting your country songs in my journal!" 

"That, was a gift" Reggie responds, pretending he's hurt as I laugh at the two of them.

Julie skims through Luke's song book and comes across one titled "Unsaid Emily." "Ooh, who's Emily?" she teases. "Wow Luke, I didn't know you were such a romantic," she says and winks at me. "That one's actually about-" Alex starts but Luke cuts him off. "No one, it's about no one. I was just... trying something."

"But check out this epic riff," Luke says as he begins to play the chorus of Long Weekend by Trevor Wilson. "So you wanna sample," Julie says. 

"Sample? This song is one hundred percent pure Sunset Curve," Reggie says. "Yeah, Luke wrote it," Alex adds. 

"That's a classic Trevor Wilson song. Julie and I used to listen to it with Carrie, her dad, and Julie's mom all the time," I say. "Trevor Wilson? Never even heard of the guy!" Reggie says. 

Julie looks him up on her laptop and shows the guys, who all stare at the computer in shock. "That's Bobby!" Luke says. "We just told you, his name is Trevor Wilson, " Julie says. "No that's Bobby, our old bandmate. Ugh he looks like a substitute teacher," Alex says. "Riley, what are some of his other hits?" Luke asks me quietly.

"Crooked Teeth?" "Yeah, Luke wrote that," Alex says.

"Long Weekend?" "Luke wrote that one too," Reggie says. I turn my attention towards Luke, who's angrily throwing darts at the wall. "I can't believe this! He stole all our songs, and didn't even give us credit!" he yells. "You know how much money our families could have made? Then maybe my house wouldn't have been turned into a bike shack," Reggie frowns. 

"It's not about the money! He stole our legacy!" Luke yells as he throws the last dart at the wall. "Julie, Riley, where does he live." "The mansion over the beach," I say.

"Let's go boys." "Guys wait! We have to- " Before Julie could finish they poof out. "C'mon Ry, we gotta go before they do something stupid," Julie sighs.

I'm gonna regret this, I think as I ring Carrie's doorbell. "What are you two doing here," she says. The look of disgust on her face makes me want to punch her. "We were just passing by, but we were really really thirsty. Can we come in for a glass of water?" Julie says awkwardly. "It it'll make you leave faster" Carrie says with a fake smile. 

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