Luca Balsa: Puppy-like

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Summary: You're a hunter whose shapeshifting abilities really interest a certain prisoner.

Wordcount: 831

An exasperated sigh left your mouth as you felt the burning stare of a certain boy boring into the back of your head. You ignored him and continued to flick the pages of your book, an action difficult to do as the boy was absolutely begging for attention like how a puppy would. "If I talked to you, would you stop staring at me?" You turned around and faced the boy–Luca. He looked taken aback at first as if he hadn't expected you to actually give him the attention he wanted, but he regained his composure in no time. A lopsided grin made its way across his face.

Luca opened his mouth to speak but no words came out, knowing him, you guessed he didn't even have a plan on what to do if you actually granted his mysterious request. Even so, you couldn't blame him, though you've only lived in the Oletus mansion for a month now, you can see that he's already an outcast among the survivors due to his brain damage. You pointed to the chair across the small table with a tea set on top, "Sit there and take your time," you said, "I'll pour tea for you." He mumbled a thank you and sat down.

After a few seconds, he finally spoke, "I see you around a lot in the mansion this past month but..." He paused to recollect his thoughts, "we never played in a match together, so I've never seen you use your... shapeshifting." You raised an eyebrow, was this actually all he wanted? Upon observing his face, you couldn't find any ulterior reason as to why he requested this. You chuckled.

"If this is really all you wanted, you didn't have to stare at me that long, you know?" A soft smile played on your lips. His cheeks slightly reddened with embarrassment. How could those survivors cast away someone as adorable as him? Even his nickname around the mansion was 'rat', but now sitting before you was no rat. He was just a confused person trying his best to get along with everyone–with a slight disadvantage, unfortunately, since his brain damage causes him to quite erratic at times.

"Say, if you shift into the other person, are you able to use their abilities?" He asked, revealing his adorable little fang in the process, you tried hard to not coo at it.

"Please, I wish I could, do you really think I'd lose matches if I were that powerful?" Luca took out a notepad. Ah. So there was an ulterior motive to this. He also wanted to take notes on how to counter you. You scoffed, if this were any other survivor, you'd stop right away. Luca was not any other survivor, and so, you continued. "I can shapeshift into one of your teammates though, which allows me to get closer to you before your heart starts to signal that I'm near,"

Luca gazed at you in admiration, his mouth turned upward and opened in awe. Now it was your turn to blush because admittedly, compared to all the other hunters in the game, your abilities weren't as strong.

"Would you like to see me shift?" You asked, he immediately nodded. Closing your eyes, you imagined the person you wanted to shift into–brown, messy hair, black eyes, a small fang protruding out, and saddest of all, the scars that littered his body from his prison years. When you opened your eyes, you were slightly taller, now looking eye-to-eye to the person across from you. You have shifted into Luca.

"Oh. My. God!" Luca jumped from his chair and clasped his hands over your hands–or technically his hand. You almost flinched away. Almost. But his hands felt warm and... comforting. You shifted back into yourself and that's when you realized–your small hands fit perfectly into his own. Like two matching puzzle pieces. "You're so amazing! Dammit, why do I never get matched up with you, it would be so cool!"

You smiled. There was no denying that you were not the best hunter, but after so long of constantly being compared to the others, it felt refreshing to be praised for something so simple and meaningless. Though maybe it was not the words that comforted you, perhaps it was the person himself–Luca–that had made you feel welcomed and beloved.

Hearing him passionately rambling about your 'cool' ability, seeing him work and tinker on his machinery, watching him trying his hardest to win during matches. You don't know how and why people could cast someone like him out. At this point, you were basically doing heart eyes at him. He, of course, didn't notice, but the sparkle in his eyes, while he was rambling about you, told more than enough. He had also developed a small crush on you.

When you look down at your hands which were still being held by him you noticed that, just like you, he too was reluctant to let go.

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