Antonio Paganini: Hauntingly Beautiful

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Summary: In the dark room lit with only a small fire, you fell asleep to the sound of beautiful music.

Wordcount: 439

Note: Here, have something I wrote at 1 am (◕‿◕✿)

It was a common occurrence these days. Every night, in your tired haze, you'd lead yourself to Antonio's door and gently knock on the tall man's door. He'd always answer, of course. The first few times, he was grumpy, who had the audacity to interrupt his sleep? Nowadays, he'd get nervous if you were even five minutes late for your meeting time.

Now here you were, wrapped up in a thick blanket on the violinist's bed. The fire crackling across was the only light source in the entire room. Your tired eyes switched between watching the fire dance amongst each other and the smooth movements of Antonio as he plays his violin. It was the only way you could sleep these days.

Nightmares plagued your dreams every time you slept which caused you to barely sleep at all. The first time you heard his music–even though it was just a faint sound echoing the hallway–you found your eyes slowly drooping until it fully closed. That was the first time you slept without the memories of the incident flashing by. Over time, the echoes down the hall didn't satisfy you anymore, therefore you just mustered up your courage and asked him.

During his matches, your teammates always found his music terrifying, and at first, you agreed. You regretted that. Listening to the hauntingly beautiful notes that he plays, it brought you peace and serenity. A feeling that wasn't easily found inside this mansion, especially with the premise of the game.

Eventually, the fire's dance and smooth movements of Antonio's body disappeared from your sight as your eyelids slowly closed.

It took him quite a few minutes to notice your sleeping state, but when he did, he stopped playing. He set his violin back in its case and walked towards the sleeping person, Antonio stopped at the edge of the bed and tried to unwrap the blanket that tediously encompassed your body. You were basically a burrito. With his long arms, he lifted you up and goes on a small journey to your bedroom.

A groan left you as he set you down on your cold bed. "Toni..." your hands reached out to feel the surrounding area as you refused to open your eyes. Your brows were furrowed, fingers were shaky, and your breath was quickening. The violinist gently hushed and caressed your cheek.

"Sleep now, little one. You will be fine." His violin wasn't the only sound that soothed you; His deep, soft-spoken voice seems to have an effect on you too. You stopped struggling.

Antonio smiled. Kissing your forehead, he wished you one last goodnight before exiting the room.

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