Norton Campbell: A Thief's Punishment

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Summary: Norton was always a relaxed person at heart, but after the traumatic event, it became harder for him to let loose. Luckily, you're here.

Warning: Smoking

Wordcount: 932

Note: Look at me writing my og ideas instead of writing suggestions 🤡 I swear im writing them though 😭

A puff of smoke faded into the air as Norton released the cigarette from his lips. He leaned against the railings of the big balcony he stood on; the view wasn't half-bad. The balcony was a comfortable place too: a small table with two chairs on each side and a chair swing set in the middle.

"Didn't know you smoked," a female remarked behind him, since it's been almost a year since he arrived at the mansion, he didn't even have to turn around to know it was you.

"Didn't know it was your business." He exhaled another puff of smoke. You let out a small chuckle and placed the items you were carrying–a radio and book–on the coffee table before joining him at the railings. "What are you doing here?".

You scoffed, "I should be asking you that, believe it or not, I've been reading on this balcony almost every day for six months-"

"With how dumb you are, I didn't know you could read." Despite the harsh words, you could tell from his playful smirk that he was joking to which you exhaled in disbelief then lightly smacked the back of his head. A burst of cute laughter left him before he teased you once again with a confident smile, "Is that really the best you can do?"

"Is that an invitation to a fight? If so, I'll gladly accept." You cracked your knuckles which shocked not only him, but also you. Since when the hell were you able to crack your knuckles like this? You didn't know, but hey, seeing Norton holding his palms up in defeat was satisfying.

"Sorry, but uh... a man's gotta smoke." He wiggled his cigarette in your direction. You snorted then jokingly called him a coward under your breath before sitting on the chair swing; Norton went back to leaning on the rails–this time, he faced your direction instead of the forest's scenery.

With the press of a button, the radio turned on and played music. For the rest of the time, you two went back to your own activities, basking in each other's presence as the harmonious music left the radio's speaker.


When he arrived at the balcony, it was no more than three in the afternoon, yet here you were hunched over on swing chair fast asleep. Norton lit a cigarette then took a seat beside your sleeping figure; you jolted awake from the sudden movement. "Oh-" you rubbed your eyes, "hey Nort." Said man merely hummed in response.


So it was one of his bad days. Your greetings never met silence unless he was in a bad mood. Norton's bad days weren't exactly rare, in fact, he seemed to have at least twice a week, but you'd gotten use to it. He still goes to the balcony with you, but instead of talking like usual, he'd just... listen.

Luckily, today, you had something that might cheer him up.

You reached into the pocket of your outfit–to which Norton raised a brow at–and pulled out a gray lump? "So..." Norton could feel the excitement laced in your tired voice, "I went to Golden Cave today."


Norton's bitterness faded away at the thought of the rare map. Since the map was directly connected to him, Lady Nightingale allowed him to play on it once at a time of his choice. Ever since that first time, his luck never allowed him to play on it again. From his memory though, it was absolutely beautiful and just brimming with ores, minerals and gems.

"But I thought we couldn't steal from maps-"

You quickly scooted over to his side to shush him with your hand and looked around to make sure Lady Nightingale's annoying bird wasn't nearby. Norton blushed at the distance–or lack thereof–but it thankfully went unnoticed by you. "Yeah, but it's Golden Cave, might as well get a souvenir while I'm there." You turned back to him, oblivious to the way your body pressed against his. You took his hand (he nearly jumped from the sudden 'intimate' touch) and place the gray lump on his palm, "I actually got it as a gift for you. I'm pretty sure it's a ruby."

And you were right, when he inspected the hard object, he concluded that it was an unpolished ruby, but a gift to him of all people? Norton turned away from you mumbling an "idiot thief" under his breath, but you swore you could his red ears.

"Wow, I went through the trouble of possibly losing morality points and I don't even get a thank you?" You teased him. Norton scoffed and turned back to flick your forehead–it was obvious that your mission to cheer him up succeeded.

"Why would I say thank you to a thief?"

"I may be a thief but aren't I a cute thief–ow!" Another flick from Norton landed on your forehead, despite all the banter, you did hear a small thank you being thrown out. "What? What? I didn't HEAR you!"

"I said that you're an idiot." Another flick was inflicted and you whined.


Norton simply laughed at your cute reaction. Damn, being near you really relaxed him, huh? Being relaxed never really felt like an option anymore after the cave incident but... your prescene just seemed so pure and cheerful. It could practically make even the most pessimistic person let out a chuckle or two.

So as your banter with each other continued, Norton's grip tighten around the unpolished ruby as a thought crossed his mind:

Maybe he should make a ruby heart necklace for you.

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