Victor Grantz: Dearest Bunny

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Summary: The truth is always hidden between the lines of a letter, but after Victor has been fooled once, how can he trust another letter?

Wordcount: 2.1k

Note: Female reader

Hi! Hello!

So... you're a postman, right Victor? You must walk or bike a lot, you even have a dog! Do you take him to exercise with you? What's your dog's name? It's honestly so cute.

Anyway, I just wanted to write this letter because oooooh mystery person, and I heard that you don't like social interactions much? I really want to be friends with you so I wanted to start out with something you're comfortable with.

Good luck with your first match! Don't get fooled by Michiko's cute looks.

Victor gripped the letter in his hands until it turned white. Feelings of confusion stirred inside him–should he be happy he received a letter or suspicious of it? It sounded so genuine but he didn't know if he could believe it anymore. The first letter he received also sounded just as friendly, however, that friendliness and sincerity were just a facade that he fell for. A facade that trapped him inside this horrible cat & mouse game.

He threw the letter in the fireplace with his dog whimpering beside him



You're amazing! I heard it's only your second match and you already won! I guess you could call it a... VictorY... Yeah, I know, I'm such a comedian.

You have natural talent I tell you, many of us here didn't get wins until our 5th of 7th match. Also, I found out your dog's name is Wick, that's so adorable, it almost sounds like 'Vick' which is quite similar to your name.

I used to have a dog when I was little, it was a stupid little pomeranian that'd never stop running in circles, but either way, it was my stupid so I still love him with all my heart.

I look forward to playing matches with you in the future!

I look forward to playing matches with you in the future? That means he hasn't played with them yet. Victor searched through his memory of who he played with in his first two matches. Andrew... Luca... He sighed in defeat, he didn't think knowing who his teammates were was this important.

A soft texture rubbing against his arm brought Victor out of his small misery, Wick rested his tiny body beside Victor's leg. 'Wick sounds similar to me, huh' Victor thought as he gave his dog a small pat.

Victor placed the letter on the fireplace, deciding to burn it away later.


Why hello there,

You seem to be in a happier mood these days, I'm glad :D. When you first came to this mansion, I noticed that you looked really excited for some reason, like who would be excited to participate in a dangerous game? But then I found out that you were tricked and now I feel so bad for judging you so quickly. After you found out it was a trick, you were so gloomy all of the sudden so I wanted to cheer you up with these letters.

Is it working?

A big grin dared itself to stretch on Victor's face but he tried his best to stay calm. This was the third letter sent to him by this person and so far nothing bad has happened. Once in awhile, he'd wake up and would see a letter laying near the door (it was most likely slipped under the door). It was always something positive, never bringing his mood down. Is this person really as bad as he thought they were?

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