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They reached the emergency room quickly and the doctor who is namjoons friend took Taehyung in immediately as namjoon already informed him about the situation.

The rest came after a few minutes and waited with the Jeons in the waiting room.

Jungkook doesn't even know that he's crying and even his hyungs were crying as they loved the youngest a lot.

An hour and half have passed but still no one came out.

Finally after what felt like an eternity to them, the doctor came out. "Congratulations you're a dad to two beautiful baby boys."

"Thank you but how is he? How's my baby?", he asked desperately.

"He um...", he trailed of sighing and looked at namjoon.

"Jackson what's wrong?", namjoon asked feeling scared.

"I'll tell you come to the side."

"NO SAY IT TO ME. He's my baby", they were startled when jungkook yelled all of a sudden.

"Okay okay..., I'm sorry we did our best but we lost him. We couldn't save him. He saw the baby, smiled and lost his pulse. We're sorry", he said with a sad face.

It's like the world stopped for them.

They all were already crying not believing that their little one is no more.

"Y-you are l-lying..!" The doctor said sorry because the situation is not in his hands and stood beside namjoon comforting them.

"No no he said he'll be the b-best m-mom for our kids. He said he'll m-marry me. He's not dead", Jungkook said not wanting to believe them.

He started crying not taking that his baby is no more.

The others tried to comfort him but they themselves were crying.

Everything taehyung did was flashing in their eyes.

His cute habits of calling them hyungie and showing his puppy eyes to get anything he wants.

The way he jumps excitedly when he's happy.

The way he's so innocent and pure.

So kind and polite.

The way he cheers up his hyungs when they were tired from work.

The way he, Jin and jimin used to have all nighter and got ready only to send pics to their partners to tease them.

The way he kisses jungkook with all his love.

The way he looks up at him cutely.

The way he calls him my Koo hyung.

The way they dreamed of a family together.

The way he beautifully smiles that takes away everyone's worries and bring joy to them.

They were still crying when a nurse came out yelling, "DOCTOR HE GOT HIS PULSE BACK."

Jackson immediately rushed inside.

The members out were praying all kinds of god to keep him alive.

He came out rushing saying, "we need blood anyone can donate blood to him. He can accept any type."

Jungkook immediately rushed in.

He saw his baby looking so week. He cried at the sight itself but stayed strong believing that he'll stay alive.

They laid him down beside Taehyung and took blood out from him and connected the wire to taehyung's.

After a few minutes, Jackson approached Jungkook who's just staring at his baby.

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