part one chapter 2

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To demanding. I say staring at the deep red bandage dress I had picked out for the date nicki and I had tonight. I wasn't really sure if I wanted to look sexy or just cute. "Hummm how about I aim for cute" I say walking back over to the walk in closet. Each room in the house had four walk in closets mine was the one with the giant window with the view of the nice LA beach. As I reach into the shelf for my soft pink two peice jumper I here a voice. Not just any voice the annoying ex girlfriend voice. "So you getting ready for your date?" Tiea ask all snide and what not. "Yeah how do I look" I say putting on my jumper and snapping the buckles on my gold booties. "Like a slut" tiea says smiling as she walks away. I look in the mirror tilting my head slightly . "I like it." I say to my self . "Its cute." I grab my purse and i head over to the foyer to meet nicki.

"Well look who got all dressed up" I love it. Let's go" nicki says wrapping her arm around my waist. "So ware we off to sexy" I ask fixing my cherry red lipstick as we get into the limo. "To dinner." She says smiling like she's being sarcastic. Moments later we arrive to an empty field with bright green grass with a nice view of the L.A. beach. "This isn't dinner" I say smiling back at her. She gets out of the limo grabbing my Hand leading me behind her. "All I could see was her fat ass" I think to myself like Damn I really cant wait till that day comes." I have to tap that. "I know but it's just you me and the stars. She says smiling at me. As we walk over to the Sand we sit on this really soft pink blanket laid out perfectly near the water. "I brought you here because I felt like it was the perfect place for us to get to know eachother. I want to know everything about you miss thang. I need to know what has me so drawn to you." Nicki says once again with that flertatious smile of hers. "Well you can ask me anything you want. I promise to answer honestly". I say as we both lay flat on our backs side by side to view the stars as we speak. After nicki had asked millions of personal questions she comes to one that kind of curupts my mind. "Do u still love her" Nicki says looking over at me . "Yes" I answer taking a deep breath. "I love her a lot but i don't ever want to be with her" I look back at nicki. "So what about me? " She ask sitting up slightly. "It could happen" I respond setting up with her. She smiles. For the rest of our date we end up laughing so hard at one another's story's and past realtionship. We realize it's about four am so we head back home. "I had a grate night thank you. " I say to nicki hugging her. "Me to thanks for coming" she says hugging me back. As we e part our separate ways all I can think of is how much fun I had. I haven't felt likr that in forever I definitely wanted the feeling to stay. As I walk into my bedroom that I share with Trina Kim and Tiea I plop down on the bed and fall straight to sleep.

The next morning I here arguing in the both . "You sound stupid bitch she's still In love with me so you won't get no play just no ." Tiea yells walking back into the room. "You need to check nicki" she says sitting on her bed. "What is your issue with her? I ask brushing my hair. "My issue? Are you fucking kidding me? Tiea says laughing out loud. "You think I want to be on this stupid ass tv show watching you fall in love with sombody else? Tiea says yelling getting a little teary. "Hell no shan'tae I still fucking love you and you know there's somthing between us why you trying to act like nothing going on! Tiea says starting to cry. I walk over and sit buy her to rub her back. "I'm not falling in love with anybody T. I don't understand why your tripping you got plenty of chances to be with me and you didn't take it. I'm not going to wait forever. " it was your choice to leave me for some nigga I cried night after night for you and you act like the shit didn't matter nor happen. I say standing up "so if I do end up fucking her or anyone else that's your bad. I'm done I don't want to be with you. I say as nicki walks into our room. "First of all ain't nobody leave you for no nigga we was not together when I started fucking with him. And anyway your ass said you was done a long rime ago and still came back so we will see what happens. Tiea says laying in her bed. "Hey snuggie wanna go for lunch nicki says bettering the situation for me. "Hey I say smiling and yes I'd love to " I say grabbing my purse. Later that day. Nicki and I go to lunch at vesta cafe. " I heard what you said about not falling in love. I's that something you won't be considering? Nicki ask as she's eating her Velveeta. I love how she's so comfortable with me. "Well i don't really have the heart to brake someone else's. I really don't want to start a new realshionship while I'm stuck in the old on. You no what I mean? She smiles at me. "Yes that understandable " well hopefully I can get you unstuck. She says as We both laugh.

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