•Chapter 1•

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As usual the monthly world meeting had gone to absolute chaos. China was shouting at America about the dept he needed to pay, America was ignoring him, Japan and Hungary were reading random mangas,  Russia was trying to convince the others to 'Become one with Mother Russia', England and France were in a screaming match, Canada was watching silently from the corner with Kumojiro on his lap as Prussia was screaming about how awesome he was with America and Denmark, poor Germany was trying to shut everyone up by shouting as loud as he possibly could, with Italy desperately trying to calm him down while also trying to tame Spain and Romano. Austria was playing a violin that had seemingly appeared out of nowhere, that was hitting on everyone's nerves.

In other words it was running as smoothly as it possibly could.

"Everyone shut up for once! Sit down so we can get this over and done with already!" A deep German voice echoed across the room, instantly silencing everyone.

A familiar boy stood up, His dirty blond hair and sky blue eyes glistening in the light radiating from the large windows lining the walls of the conference room.

"Okay dudes! I have an idea on how to help the current global wa-" He started in his usual happy-go-lucky tone before getting cut off by an already aggravated jade eyed Brit.

"Oh shut up for once and stop wasting our time you wanker!" His joyful expression got replaced with one of hurt and genuine anguish.
'Come On Alfred! You can't let the mask fall yet! Not in front of them!'
It quickly went back to a strained smile.

"When are you going to pay me back my dept, aru?!"
"Probably never, he's too irresponsible to do anything!"
"I don't think he's really that bad."
"Shut up Japan! Of course he is!"

The room burst into shouts and arguments again, no surprise there.

"Since this has gone to shi- I'm officially concluding this world meeting!" Germany manages to shout over the ruckus.

America managed to shove any notes he had and his phone into his bag and started to exit the colossal rectangular room "See ya dudes!"

The other Nations replies with a variety of 'goodbyes' 'See you soon' or small insults to the young man, his usual Hollywood smile visibly faltered but he quickly replaced it with a (once again) more strained, less sincere one as he left the room and shut the giant wood doors.

Just before the rest of them could leave there was a loud bang before a a blinding white light filled the room
'Ve~ Doitsu I'm scared!'
'This is very unawsome!"
'It's probably that potato eating bastar-'
'Oh shut up Romano!'
'What the bloody hell is going on!"

Eventually he light cleared and they were in an almost identical room but with some major differences. It was significantly smaller, there was a large TV screen in the wall above the usually oval desk was now more rectangular then before but most importantly there was a beautiful book in the centre (sorry that's the European spelling of it) of it, it was a beautiful cyan with intricate golden details covering it with a rolled up letter tied both a gorgeous gold and silver ribbon.

Germany took the first step and walked up to the head of the table and opened up the letter and read it out loud to the anxious, waiting Nations.

'Dear Nations,
All these years I have been watching you, and all I can say is that I'm disappointed with your cruel behaviour towards a certain blonde Nation. I see how you treat him like he's your personal punching bag and constantly berate and degrade him. But often the smile that shines like the midday sun holds the most secrets and pain. I can't stand to see your obliviousness any longer. I have transported you here and you may only leave one All his secrets have been revealed, along with some of yours, if I see fit. There is multiple bedrooms for you to share in pairs, two bathrooms and a kitchen. I will be addressing everyone as their human names.
I hope you learn from this and hopefully help those suffering in silence,

They all sat in silence before a familiar English voice yelled "Ha! What a joke! There's nothing wrong with that Bloody Wanker!" "And who the hell is N.A.?!" Romano added, grabbing the note of the platinum blonde German. He read over the beautifully neat writing and huffed in annoyance.

The rest walked over to the long table and took their seats which the noticed were labelled with each of their flags and their names. The seating arrangements stating from the head of the table going anti-clockwise is: Germany (at the head of the table), Italy, Romano, Spain, England, Canada, France, Prussia (the other end of the table), Russia, Austria, Denmark, Hungary , Japan and China.

"Well I think if whoever this person is thinks that's it's that important, we might as well, I mean what's the worst that could happen, eh?" Canada mumbled quietly, yet just loud enough for the rest to hear him.

"That's a good idea! I think we should go find our rooms first though!" Prussia shouted in his usual upbeat tone. Canada blushed slightly at the fact that he actually noticed what he said and acknowledge it. Everyone nodded and split into pairs for their rooms.
Welp, I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. I'll try and get the next out as soon as possible. Have a nice day, Evening or even night (if you're like me and read fanfics at 3am.
Peace out <3

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