•Chapter 2•

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First was England and France. They were walking down a gorgeous long hall, it was duck-egg blue with ash grey and gold skirting boards and floral designs indented on the white ceiling. England let out an audible sigh at the French man who was overly ecstatic that they would be sharing a room, even though they have separate beds it was a step in the right direction for France who kept on winking at the now highly annoyed blonde.

They entered the room and almost gasped at how beautiful it was. The walls were a warm cream colour with slightly darker designs indented into them. There was large sunken in windows with beautiful hanging maroon-red and white curtains draped over them. There was two rather large maroon and cream plaid armchairs on either side of an old wooden table engraved with beautiful designs and a rustic beige and white lamp resting on top. There was two king sized, four posed beds with red fabric storage trunks at the foot of them. There was a rather large television that surprisingly fit into the otherwise more classic room. But the most spectacular feature was the ceiling. It had a beautiful image hand painted on, it was hundreds of incredibly detailed flowers, but mostly red roses, surrounded by jade green foliage. In the middle of the artwork hung a beautiful chandelier, lit with warm candles giving the room an enchanting glow.

The two stunned nations walked over to the luxurious beds still in shock at the unbelievable interior design.

"Bloody hell this is gorgeous!" Arthur yelled in disbelief, doing a double take of the room. "Oui mon amour."

Canada and Prussia were walking down a different hall to get to their room. It was white with warm grey and silver designs painted on and gave of a strangely homely feeling.

Matthew was subconsciously tapping his foot on the floor out of worry and clinging onto Kumojiro to the point it's surprising that the fluffy bear could breath. Prussia or other wise known as east Germany noticed and but a supportive hand on his shoulder.

"Don't worry I'm sure your brother will be fine Canada!" He said, Well practically screamed to try and calm down the anxiety filled man. "I know, I know, I'm just trying to figure out who brought us here and how do they know Al's secrets when I don't." The blond Canadian mumbled slightly louder than his usual whispers. "Em sooo Al huh, is that his human name?" The Albino asked trying to change the topic but also genuine wondering since Nations rarely used their human names.

"Em yeah... His full name is Alfred F. Jones. I know the F stands for freedom, he chose it after the revolution, but whenever I ask him about the rest of his name he just changes the subject..." The blonde Canadian muttered in his usual soft tone, squeezing Kumojiro slightly tighter towards the end of the sentence.

"Well my awesome name is Gilbert, but you can call me Gil!" He stated, now walking backwards down the hall to face the Canadian.

"Gilbert, Eh? Well then you can call me Matthew or Matt for short. Oh I think this is it."

They were face to face with a large shiny red door. It had a beautiful spherical door handle that was made with swirls of silver and gold. 

Gilbert took the lead and pushed open the door (awesomely) and was star stuck by the room. It was styled more towards Matthew but it was still beautiful.

It was similar to France and England's, with large sunken in windows, but they had thick red curtains with an almost invisible plaid pattern and two cream parallel stripes going horizontally across the bottom. They had two double beds with grand wooden headboards, with cornus canadensis and cyani flowers carved into them. One of the headboards has a small maple leaf and the other had a small bird head, representing their flags. Each of the beds also had a warm blanket folded on the end. There was a chandelier, but it was a lot less extravagant then the others. It looked as if it was being frozen over, with small ice patterns dusting it. The walls were a warm cream with maroon skirting boards. There was a rather large fireplace, emitting an amber glow and a comforting heat. The ceiling was also a warm maroon that tied together the whole theme.

"Wow. This is beautiful, isn't it?" The blonde Canadian muttered, spinning around to get another look with stars in his eyes. Gilbert just chuckled at his excitement even though he too thought it was amazing (almost as amazing as him, but he wouldn't admit it).

They both sat down on their beds to relax until they met back up with the others. Currently Germany had the book since he is arguably the most responsible out of the bunch. A bing came through on Gilbert's phone, a text from Germany.

13:05 West👌🏻:
Everyone will meet back up in the conference room at 1:30pm to read the mystery book.

13:05 Me:
Okay then bruder! We'll see you then!

13:06 West👌🏻:
See you then.

Gil closed his phone and shoved it under his pillow. He looked over and seen Matthew crouched down in the corner of the room.

"You good there Matt?" He asked warily, since he was still slightly traumatised from a horror movie Denmark convinced him to watch that started like this. Suddenly Matthew turned around with a huge heart warming smile.

"Yep, don't worry aboot (about) me. I just found a bed for Kumojunko." Just then Gil noticed a small green couch shaped bed in the corner of the room next to Matts bed and sighed in relief. 'Wait- I thought his bears name was Kumojiro? Oh well, I'll ask later. I wonder how my brother's doing'
Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed this chapter (I wrote half of it during class) The next chapter or two will also be about the nations getting to their rooms because it would be too long if I put them all together ':(
I hope you have a great day, evening or even night :)

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