17 | Trip

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Jungkook : I was a playboy and now I'm a business man. I can't pull anything off.

Hoseok : Don't you know Once a playboy will always be a playboy. Just take them and you'll put them in different floors in the hotel and make sure none of them knows your hotel room.

Jungkook : You're right hotels are huge and they'll most likely never run into eachother.

Hoseok : That's more like it.

Jungkook : I'll get going now.

Jungkook : Are you done packing??

Ichika : No I'm almost done.

Jungkook : What were you doing all this while? I never wanted you to come along and you're making me late now.

Ichika : Whoa whoa whoa hold up Mr. I never wanted to follow you anyway and also, your meeting is tomorrow so don't yell at me.

Jungkook : You're so annoying.

She hissed and intentionally bumped her shoulder into mine.

Ichika: Move!!

Knock knock!!

Jungkook : Come in!!!

Mother : Have you both finish packing??

Ichika : Yes mother.

She answered in a sweat tone that I could have sworn that she wasn't the one yelling at me moments ago. She's such a good actress.

Mother : Go on quickly and enjoy your time together.

Jungkook : Mom, this is a business trip not our honeymoon.

Mother : So what? You've been married for two weeks and you haven't gone on your honeymoon so this is a perfect chance for you to enjoy yourselves.

Jungkook : I don't think that's right.

Mother : I really thinks it's right. Am I right Ichika??

Ichika : A-ah yes you're right mother.

Even I could notice how uncomfortable she was feeling. She couldn't form those words right out of her mouth.

Mother : That's right. I want you both to enjoy your time and make sure to make little Jeon when you're coming.

Jungkook : MOTHER!!!

Mother : Ah What Jungkook??? I'm just saying what is my mind. Are you listening Ichika?? If Jungkook doesn't want to make time then tie him down.

Ichika : I'm sorry what??

Jungkook : I think we should be on our way. Ichika let's go.

I quickly picked my bag and Ichika's bag, holding it on my left hand and I grabbed Ichika's Arm and pulled her out of the room.

Mother : Bye my dear!!! Have fun!!!

I told Miso to go in her car while I go with Ichika and she won't stop singing.

Jungkook : Will you please keep quite.

Ichika : No!!

I turned off the radio. If song isn't playing then she won't sing but I was wrong. She still continued singing.

Maybe it's because I don't like her much, I didn't quickly notice that she has a really good voice and she's singing my favourite song.

Jungkook : Please Stop singing.

Ichika : What's your problem? Am I singing with your mouth?? Why are you so bothered about it and why the hell did you stop the car??

Jungkook : I didn't stop the car, it just suddenly stopped.

Ichika : What's going on??

Jungkook : I will go check.

I came down off the car and opened the bonnet. It's not as if I know what to do in the car but I just opened the bonnet because that's what people do when their car stop working.

Ichika : What happen to the car??

Ichika also came down to me and asked but I have no idea what happened to the car.

Jungkook : I don't know, do you by any chance know about how to fix cars??

Ichika : how on earth am I supposed to know that?? I studied fashion not mechanics.

Jungkook : I guess I'll call my mechanic. It's really late and we're in the middle of No where. We should get out of here quickly.

Ichika : yeah

I went to the drivers seat to open the door but it won't open.

Jungkook : Ichika, Do you by any chance lock the door???

Ichika : Yeah Why???

Ichika : why would you do that? The car key and my phone is inside the car so why would you lock the door.

Ichika : It's not my fault.

Jungkook : Then whose fault is it?? You're really annoying. What are we going to do now?? We're stuck at the middle of No where with no phones or anything.

Ichika : I'm sor—what's this?? Is this rain??

Jungkook : Great Now rain is falling?? How much bad luck do you carry around Ichika??

Ichika : I'm sorry but did you just say I have bad luck? How dare you???? I know that it's my fault for locking the car but you have no right to say that to me. Who the hell do you think you are??

Jungkook : YOUR HUSBAND!!

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