Christmas Cravings | Killua x Reader

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First Person POV:

My eyes shot open as I heard the way too familiar sound of my phone ringing. Groaning quietly I reached over to my phone and picked it up.

"Hello?" I groggily asked.

"Y/N! Where are you?!" Yelled out a male voice.

I glanced at the name of the caller, 'Gon.'

"Trying to sleep. Now good night." I said before hanging up and setting my phone beside me as I slowly fell back asleep.

Time Skip to 30 Minutes Later

A loud door slamming open was heard as I quickly sat up and looked around. I activated me nen in case if I was in any danger. Slowly I removed myself from my bed as I heard loud running footsteps around all my house.

"Who's there?!" I questioned out loud as I heard the footsteps stop.

"Y/N! I'm coming to you!" I responded to the same male voice as earlier.

I quietly sighed as I sat down on my bed and covered myself with my blankets. As soon as I did my bedroom door was flung open and there stood Gon with a bright smile and right beside him stood Killua with his arms behind his head. I blushed lightly as I looked at Killua before quickly averting my eyes.

"Gon? Killua? What are you doing here?" I questioned as I looked at Gon knowing that he was going to respond.

"You have to get ready for the party!" He replied as he ran over to me gripping onto the bedsheets.

"Wait! Gon don't-!" I tried to say as Gon ripped the blanket off of me revealing my f/c nightgown.

"Baka!" Yelled out Killua as he hit Gon in the back of the head as I squealed out of embarrassment.

"What was that for?!" Gon yelled back as he rubbed where Killua hit him while facing him.

"She's in her nightwear! Now turn around!" Killua said as he turned to face the wall while I attempted to cover myself with a blanket.

"Oh! Sorry Y/N!" Gon said as he turned around to face me once more.

"Idiot! I told you to turn around!" Killua yelled out as he too faced my direction to stop Gon.

"Get. Out. NOW!" I yelled out activating my nen making my h/c hair float around me.

"Right!" Killua said as he dragged Gon out the room by the collar of his shirt before slamming the door shut.

I rubbed my temples before setting my blanket on the bed. I flattened out my nightgown before walking over to my closet and opening the doors revealing to me all my clothing.

"Hm? What to wear?" I thought out loud.

"Oh, this is perfect!" I said to myself again while grabbing a dress. "Now to go change."

Killua's POV

"She better not take forever like every girl," I said to Gon.

"Oh come on Killua! It's going to be worth the wait!" Gon replied with a bright smile.

"Hm if you say so Gon," I replied glancing at Gon sideways.

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