Flashing Dreams | Armin x Reader

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First Person POV:

Looked at the flashing lights in the sky I gave myself a pep talk. I nodded to myself in approval before looking over at Armin seeing him staring at the lights in the sky with amazement. Armin glanced at me noticing that I was staring before smiling shyly with a like blush dusting his cheeks. Turning to face him completely I took a deep breath in while hearing Armin shuffling around to face me.

"Armin... I have to tell you something.."

"What is it Y/N?"

"I've liked you since we were little.."

"Y/N I..." His voice wandered off.

"What was that Armin?"



"Who's there?" I asked aloud while turned around looking over my shoulder repeatedly.


~ End of Dream ~

Immediately my eyes shot up as I was bathed in cold water. I gripped onto my arms attempting to maintain heat as I looked around. Surrounding me stood Mikasa, Sasha, Ymir, and Historia. Looking at all the girls I took notice of Ymir holding a metal bucking with some water remaining in there. I looked down at my sheets making my bangs cover my eyes.

"Y/N! I'm so sorry but you wouldn't wake up and we were worried you were never going to wake up so-" Historia tried saying before getting cut off by me.

"What was so important that you had to wake me up in the middle of my dream?"

"Well you see-" Historia tried saying again.

"Historia wanted to see if you wanted to go get breakfast with us before we have to get ready for the festival," Ymir said as she threw her arm over Historia's shoulders.

"What time is it?" I mumbled.

"It is 4 hours away from lunchtime so it is currently 11 in the morning." Sasha cheerily said.

"Uh-huh, and why do I have to go to the festival?"

"Because we needed an extra person to go with Armin!" Historia chirped.

"Oh, you're so perfect looking out for others, after this marry me," Ymir spoke out hugging Historia tightly.

"A-Armin??" I asked feeling my face heat up at the thought of us going as a 'couple' with Armin.

"Yep!" Sasha said with a slight smirk.

"Wait. Are you guys toying with me?" I questioned an irk mark slowly growing on my forehead.

"No. I am going with Eren, Ymir is going with Historia, Sasha is going with Connie and we're also going to bring along Marco and Jean." Mikasa said plainly.

"But didn't Armin want to go with Annie?"

"No. He didn't care." Mikasa said in her usual monotone voice.

"Oh.. okay. Well are we gonna get food or not?"

"FOOD!~" Sasha fangirled while drooling a whole puddle.

"We'll get out so you can change Y/N," Historia said with a warm smile ushering the girls out.

"Thanks, Hist." I yawned out slightly while peeling myself away from my bedsheets.

Grabbing a towel I jogged into my bathroom with light blue and white walls. I turned the handle of the bathtub carefully moving the tips of my fingers under the water to make sure it was the perfect temperature, I shivered slightly at the first touch of the water. Once comfortable to the heat level I pulled the thing on the tub valve making the water come out through the showerhead. Steam started to collect against the cold mirrors fogging them up, slowly I removed my clothes as to not get too cold right away.

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